Dear Audio researchers,

[Apologies for any cross-postings.]

Due to numerous requests, we have decided to extend the submission deadline to Monday, April 9th, 2018.

We are actively building an exciting program including the following three confirmed tutorials:

"Building plugins and DSP with JUCE", Julian Storer (ROLI)
"Machine Learning with Applications to Audio", Shahan Nercessian (iZotope)
"Digital Audio Filters", Vesa Valimaki (Aalto Univ.)

as well as three very exciting keynote speakers that we intend to announce very shortly. In addition, the social program is being carefully crafted to complement the technical program and highlight the very best that the Aveiro region has to offer.

We kindly invite you to send your submissions via the following link: by the revised April 9th deadline and furthermore to spread the word to students, colleagues and collaborators who would enjoy the unique scientific atmosphere and cordial social interactions that DAFx combines.

Proceedings with the final versions of the accepted contributions will be made freely accessible on the DAFx2018 website after the conference closure. Volumes 2008 to 2017 of the DAFx proceedings are now indexed in Scopus and this will apply similarly to the DAFx2018 proceedings. Extended versions of the best DAFx2018 papers will be given special consideration for publication in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society.

A revised PDF of the call for papers is also attached to this email.

For general questions about the conference, please write to: For specific questions concerning the call for papers, please contact:

We look forward to receiving your submissions, and to welcoming you to Aveiro in September!

Best wishes,
The DAFx2018 Committee

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