On 06/04/2018 05:59 PM, Len Moskowitz wrote:
A customer is consider using a few OctoMics simultaneously, recording to computer.

Each OctoMic requires 8 channels of pre-amps.

They'll need up to 72 channels.

Ideally, the pre-amps should have digitally-set and gangable trims.

Have heard good things about the Horus, too, but never used it. A nice alternative (possibly a bit mor affordable) would be three DirectOut Andiamo MC feeding a dual MADI system, or two and a Mictasy.

Btw, nice usage of the word "few" there. Classy. A quick calculation tells me you mean "seven or so". That's the number of SM58s I use on a good day, and I'm very much intrigued if slightly scared thinking of your usecase :-D

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Tuinbouwstraat 180, 1097 ZB Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Tonmeister VDT
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