Please delete the crud before you hit send!


- - - - - - - - - - 

Ok, just to give a short explanation: My last mail did of course not arrive at sursound in the same way I was seeing both the text and the layout when typing on my iPad. (Using my Portuguese webmail server, being on a trip.)

However, this doesn‘t happen only to me - mails written on iOS devices can appear quite distorted on sursound. Especially formatting seems to get lost, in general. (So the problem is not limited to my mail server.)

The best way to debug and fix this problem (distributed between iOS, sursound and my ISP webmail server) is very obviously to write nothing...  🤔



P.S.: Of course html mail might eliminate problems with different (country) character sets as well, but we already had this discussion.

(Needless to say that these things should simply work in 2018.)

P.S.: The subject/thread was also not my choice...
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