
To see a John Muir quote on a SurSound post definitely caught my
attention.  I run the audio software company VVAudio and I've just become a
Texas Master Naturalist.  I believe I am uniquely qualified to be a part of
your program.

My company, VVAudio, has been building software tools for surround
sound since 2001.  My primary focus today is ambisonics, especially
ambisonic microphones.  I provide the plugins that come with both Core
Sound and Brahma brand mics.  I have been lucky enough to work with some of
the world's top experts in microphone array calibration and learned how
much I enjoy MatLab programming along the way.  As virtual reality took
ambisonics from niche to mainstream, I was able to sell my code and
services to several large VR companies.  I have ported my code to the Unity
game development environment and to mobile devices.  And, perhaps
significantly for your mission, the two V's in my company name stand for
'Visual Virtual' and as such many of my plugins feature sophisticated,
OpenGL based graphics.  I believe that being able to visualize what's going
on, helps tremendously when working with sound, especially surround sound.

I also have many skills outside of audio that pertain to this opportunity.
I have long held a day job as a programmer or IT manager where I've worked
on everything from GPS systems to oil rigs to ecommerce websites.  I've
written low level firmware and I've done a lot of development process
consulting.  I know how to build and manage a great team.  I believe in
communicating as well as coding and as such I have published one book
(Make: Drones) and have a good start on one about VR/AR audio.  I have a
life-long love of photography and I do all my own graphics.  And, as I
mentioned, I just completed my training as a Texas Master Naturalist, an
education and volunteer program mostly aimed at our state parks.

Just as writing a book about drones combined many, diverse threads in my
life, like signal processing and flying (I am a licensed private pilot),
your opportunity looks like the perfect combination of everything I want to
be doing right now.  I want to write more and better audio code.  I want to
pay more attention to audio in nature.  And I want to communicate my
excitement about these things to others.

I would love to talk more about how your grant proposal process works and
how I can best help your program.

David McGriffy

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 7:50 PM Anne Simonis <> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I'm an acoustic ecologist with NOAA, and my research uses underwater
> acoustic recordings to study marine mammal ecology, behavior, and the
> impacts of human noise.
> NOAA recently announced a small business grant opportunity, with a subtopic
> related to citizen science and education (subtopic 9.5 in the full
> announcement):
> There's a strong interest among many NOAA acoustics researchers (including
> myself!) to develop acoustic analysis tools for applications in education
> and citizen science. For example, a web-based spectrogram annotation tool
> would be very useful not only for us, but also the greater community of
> bioacoustics, speech recognition and machine learning. I imagine all of you
> likely have a bunch of creative ideas that this funding might also be able
> to support!
> The grant is a multi-phase program, with funding available for $150k for
> the first 6 months and potentially $500k for 2 years after that.
> Application period closes Jan 13, 2021.
> If you are part of a small business that might be interested in submitting
> a proposal, I'd be happy to talk more with you about your ideas and our
> needs.
> Feel free to reach out to me at anne.simonis at to set up a time
> to chat.
> Best wishes,
> Anne
> --
> "All things make music with their lives" -John Muir
> @AnneListens <>
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