So speaking for my own part in this project (refering to Bo-Erik’s link).

This is not a finished project < yet >. (Publication planned about June, and it is not all visible on the page yet.)

Otherwise, of course people can take some preview here.

In short: The mixed order structure is of course to enable HOA support (horizontally) in 8-channel restricted environments.

I wrote about this topic about 10 years ago, on sursound:

Regarding standardisation, there has to be a significant update/modernization of this concept, and of course some implemention.

We (or at least I ) won’t do “only browser audio”, recognizing that it is nice if HOA (we are often using more than 8 channels) can be decoded and rendered < even > within a browser.



P.S.: It might make more sense to discuss this when things are published in an orderly way. (Because this should happen quite soonly.)

----- Mensagem de Bo-Erik Sandholm <> ---------

 Data: Tue, 2 May 2023 17:06:25 +0200

 De: Bo-Erik Sandholm <>

 Assunto: Re: [Sursound] [Proposal] for HOA web-streaming-format

 Para: Surround Sound discussion group <>

If interested you can take quick look at what can be done with a

 modified version of omnitone for playback in a browser with different


 Headtracking is possible.

 The decoder setup for each file decoding is controlled by a json file.

 I apologize in advance for the left right error ( to be corrected).

 Different encodings and codecs to try to find the optimum combination.

 No channel names are used, and care has to  be taken to avoid LFE bandwidth

 cut when encoding.

 The implementation has somtimes buffering issues, but take your time to

 fill the cache for a few of the files.

 The software still needs a bit of work,

 Dash and HLS can be added.

 This supports foa,soa and toa with the addition of mixed formats.



 On Tue, 2 May 2023, 14:12 Steven Boardman, <>


I agree that ATMOS delivery is more efficient, (stream size wise) but as

 mentioned, it isn't great for anything other than theatres, despite what

 Dolby and the rest of the bandwagon would like you to believe.

 There is no below after all.

 For non visual ATMOS delivery I purposely make separate static binaural

 mixes, that are derived from native ambisonic/SPS mixes (rather than the

 ATMOS binaural downmix).

 So when an ATMOS decoder isn't present, the native binaural mix is served

 up instead.

 These are generally preferred....(I also do my stereo mix from the original

 rather than an ATMOS downmix).

 And as for audio mastering of the object based delivery, you can't, so most

 separate stereo mixes i have heard sound better.

 If a spatial 'scene' delivery is required, then maybe just use SPS, as that

 should be more tolerant of compression ratios than Ambisonics..

 Just my $0.01


 On Mon, 1 May 2023, 22:05 Fons Adriaensen, <> wrote:

 On Mon, May 01, 2023 at 06:03:09PM +0000, Thorsten Michels wrote:

 > If a lower order is streamed, the other channels will be left empty,


 > digital "0", meaning absolutely NO signal. So the decoders can



 > and provide the correct decoding.

 That is in-band signalling, and a bad idea for many reasons.

 > The order of the channels will be as follows:

 Why define speakers positions if the format is Ambisonic ?

 It's up to the receiver to decode it, using whatever speaker

 positions it has available.

 The speaker positions you propose would not even support

 a full third order decode.

 Apart from that, high order ambisonics is not an efficient

 delivery format. It's OK for up to 2nd order or so, maybe

 3rd, but above that an object based format (e.g. Atmos)

 can provide much better performance for the same channel






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