You'll have to argue with Prof. Angelo Farina. Frankly, between the two of you, I know whom to trust.¬if_id=1666553911378133 <¬if_id=1666553911378133>
Angelo Farina wrote:
I can answer about the microphones. What matters is their number, not their arrangement. The noise floor of each  Ambisonics signal is lowered by 3 dB for each doubling of the number of microphones. So, if a single capsule has  a noise floor of 20 dB(A), when you use 4 capsules the W channel will have a noise floor reduced by 6 dB,  14 dB(A). If you use 8 capsules, the W channel will have a further reduction of 3 dB, hence 11 dB(A).  If you use 32 capsules (Eigenmike) the noise floor will be down other 6 dB, at 5 dB(A).
One of the standard mic theory texts also confirms this.
Len Moskowitz (
Core Sound LLC <>
Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
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