"Day Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [...]
> Maybe I wasnt clear. But DESQVIEW does what many Linux
> fans have claimed dos does not do, provide virtual
> desktops.

Oh give me a break. The closest I've seen anyone say to this is that Linux
supports true multitasking, while DOS can only approximate it (serial
transfers, floppy disk access, etc.). The Linux community is not watching
it's six for threats from DOS, nor is it embarking on a campaign to smear
DOS. Many numbers of us have extensive DOS backgrounds, and so found Linux a
natural progression. Don't mistake lack of interest for an active attack.

> If I understand correctly, I can be running a
> GUI browser like ARACHNE is one, and a dos textmode in
> another, and change from one to another just as seamlessly
> as Linux users do with ctrl-alt-F2.

DesqView can also run Windows 3 in standard mode in a DOS window, as well as
graphics from Lotus 1-2-3, and a host of other neat tricks. Virtual
displays, and the ability to window "full screen" apps were some of my
favorite uses for it. It lets you do some very cool things, within the
limitations of DOS. DesqView and QEMM were a great combination. I was a BIG
fan of the two back when I ran DOS regularly, to the point that I actually
PURCHASED each release as it came out. As much as I loved it, I hated
stopping everything to download a file via serial link, or while formatting
a box of floppies.

> It'd be killer if one could run BASICLINUX in one, and
> drdos in another with just a hotkey to swap between them.
> >From what I've since read, I dont think that is possible.
> yet. :)

If you can let Linux run the show, it is entirely possible to have DOS and
Linux running concurrently. I believe others have already described DOSemu
in some detail. There are some limitations, but large numbers of those
speedy little DOS apps work just fine. It does EXACTLY what you're
describing, and has done so for YEARS. However, you still have to endure the
painful and time-intensive process of actually booting Linux first. If
you're accustomed to an OS that introduces ZERO overhead to data transfers
from your SCSI drives, this might not be acceptable. YMMV, IANAL.

- Bob

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