Day Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

Is there a PCI modem with jumpers?

...And John Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> answered:
FYI: Day I tried the Goggle search engine and found at <>
this info showed up:

List Price:  N/A
Lowest Price:  $37.95
Manufacturer: 3Com Corp.
Part Number: 00568703

...  and I add:

That sounds like the one I bought for the wife's 600 Mhz eMachines
windoze box.  Yes, it has jumpers.  (Leave them all off, and it
is Plug & Pray)  It has the great Lucent chipset, and the full
complement of UART, DSP chips.  It also is a voice modem, and can
act as a great little voicemail answering machine.  (Software CD
included for this nice application...)

It cost me $40(?) in Best Buy a year ago... but it took half an
hour to carefully read all of the documentation available for
the two-dozen modem models they sold - before I found one that
was a real, no-crap, self-contained PCI modem.

It replaced some "Won Hung Lo Ltd." Rockwell-chipped no-name
56k winmodem that came with the machine, and couldn't hold
a connection for more than 40-50 seconds.

BTW - today, an external modem is no guarantee that it ISN'T
a "winmodem".  If it comes with software, check it VERY closely
before buying!

- John T.

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