Hi everybody,

     I experienced a wild bug today:  `NM' repeatedly failed to get mail
and it didn't stop there, i witnessed what i qualify as some memory dump
one time and i found a lost cluster another time.  I tried many times to
get the same message but to no end, `NM' crashed in the most hideous way
everytime;  the machine even got hanged or was rebooted...  I'm lucky to
have an alternative which works in those cases and i succeeded uncloging
my ~E-Mail~ account (these things happened before, in the past).  What i
want to know is if other users than i have ever encountered some similar
problems.  I eliminated `LSPPP' as the source of my problem, `EPPPD' was
as bad and `NM' even had its .CFG file damaged.  I cleared its directory
and deleted the .LOG file (it became large with the time) but the common
element seems to be THAT message which wouldn't seem to capture on disk!

     I used `{Commo}' to have a copy of it in file and then i deleted it
from my ~POP3~ server, the problem didn't show up anymore when i lauched
`NM' again.  The failed captures seemed to always stop at the same field
so i included the header so that anyone with an explanation can comment:

retr 1
+OK 5568 octets
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from servidor.compunetchile.cl ([])
          by tomts19-srv.bellnexxia.net
          (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-122-105-20011231) with ES
          id <20020423220245.UDBH2615.tomts19-srv.bellnexxia.net@servido
          Tue, 23 Apr 2002 18:02:45 -0400
Received: from mail.cet.ac.il (i095-198.nv.iinet.net.au [])
            by servidor.compunetchile.cl with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange
            Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2448.0)
-->     id J2DD8BBK; Tue, 23 Apr 2002 18:05:00 -0400

     I had to fold some of the lines after the 72nd column but what made
me think is the ID (J2DD8BBK):  it once displayed on my screen when `NM'
went berzerk and i'm wondering if a simple line like this can also cause
disruption in other ~E-Mail~ clients!...  8-o  Does this sound familiar?


                                             Michel Samson
                                             a/s Bicephale

... I BBS using LEGACY DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies

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