Sorry, Sam - this Enable/Disable Flood switch has nothing to do with
it: it limits the total volume of a mail item to download from the
POP3 server. It's indeed a nice and singular feature, working well as a
spam filter too (no endlessly bad surprises with unsollicited picture
post cards attachments, <g>).

But the Netmail bug is with single _lines_ of exactly 1001 bytes
inside mails (and this then, as far as I understand, with a specific
package volume).

BTW, I got good news from Marc Ressl who promised to look into it in
the very next weeks - he's just in the middle of moving and THEN...!

// Heimo Claasen // <hammer at revobild dot net> // Brussels 2002-04-25
The WebPlace of ReRead - and much to read  ==>

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