Hi all,

  Due to company email policy, and my own interests having shifted toward legacy 
Macintosh computers, I am unsubscribing from SurvPC.  I want to thank people like 
Marc, Bob, Eko, Or, L.D. and others who have helped me in the past.  This is *still* 
my favorite list, BTW... thanks again for the ride!

All the Best,  -Pete

o  Tandy 300HD with amber mono monitor (DOS 5.0, now has a "flaky" 5.25 FD)
o  Telex 1260 with IBM color monitor (microchannel: *don't* format the HD!)
o  Zenith Data Systems '286 (unfortunately, parted out/scrapped: corrosion)
o  Compaq Presario model ?? - older '486 (blown power supply, BIOS problem)
o  ...and my (2) Atari ST's, still in use for making music w/MIDI!

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