Hi Charlie,
Hi Madan,
Hi everybody,

     As usual, it seems i have bad luck when i post here and there was a
period of silence lately...  I didn't see it when Howard Eisenberger and
Joe da Silva started a dialogue about `LSPPP v0.8' but i suppose i could
have been less lucky and not read any of the up-comming thread at all...


JdS> So, the good news is that, with the permission of David Lindauer,
JdS> I have posted LSPPP 0.8 at "http://jds-freeware.hypermart.net";.
 HH> I just tried it (with the built-in dialer) and so far it has loaded
 HH> every time.

     Well, this is good new indeed.  It seems the author is still active
and now we have the source-code to play with it;  i may cut `Dialer.ASM'
and obtain a tinier version by using `TASM' which should produce an even
smaller footprint executable - if i'm brave enough to play with assembly
code, that is...  In any case, this is progress and i installed it here.


     Thanks David, i've tried to get your attention in comp.lang.asm.x86
but i did'nt have on-topic subjects to justify my presence there;  now i
do, provided that i can manage with my reading of the code (which should
certainly be easier than to have created it)!...  %-)  I'll be around...


     Euh...  But frankly, NewsGroups aren't easier on me than Mail-Lists
and i don't know if i can trust that...  Oh, speaking of which, would it
be possible that there are similar "SurvPC" Mail-Lists elsewhere?...  :>

     I've got some puzzling message in behalf of Madan Nagpal, he wanted
to reach me on April 15.  He tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he
found out that it didn't work, not surprizingly!!!  I was asked to reply
him and i did but yet there's that silence - WELL, ARE YOU THERE, MADAN?
What i find even more puzzling is that `ChasingCharlie' who contacted me
in behalf of Madan included a quote of the correspondance with Howard E.
on March 1st, which means Madan must think i don't care about him?!?  :(

     Well, i'm here and if somebody has similar problems try E-Mail!  :>


                            Michel Samson
                            a/s Bicephale
 --> E-Mail -->             http://www3.sympatico.ca/bicephale/epppd.htm
                            UnZip `LSPPPDlr.ZIP' at the root of C: using
                            "-d" (for directories) and then type "Commo"

... I BBS using LEGACY DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies

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