On 24 Jun 2002 at 11:55, Bob George wrote:

>Is anyone familiar with the details of the Apple //c serial connector?
>I'd love to pick one up and use it as a console for my Linux box and
>such. I don't have room for my old ][+, but the //c would fit the space
>I have. I am worried that it used some sort of proprietary connector.
>Will it do 9,600bps acceptably? Any info appreciated.
>- Bob

Dear Bob,

Here's what looks to be a prime source for the information you're
looking for:

Hope this helps,
Anthony J. Albert
Anthony J. Albert                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems and Software Support Specialist          Postmaster
Computer Services - University of Maine, Presque Isle
"Ta'Lon, is that you?"
"It's me most days, except for those days when I don't feel
 quite like myself and I suppose that I am someone else, but
 for now, yes, it is me."
-G'Kar and Ta'Lon, Babylon 5 episode: _The_Ragged_Edge_

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