On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> This year I have been running into so many broken message headers I'm
> about to give up on both e-mail and newsgroups. [...] I'm also curious
> to know if any software utility other than the dos delete command can be
> used to fix up the files so those broken message headers are replaced by
> at least an arbitrary message header [...] I can do some of this with
> sed, but what I'm wondering is if the octette count has to be accurate
> too. [...]

In reading up on other message handling tidbits in a procmail FAQ at
http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/info/proctips.html#truncate :

--- cut here --- cut here ---

I have limited disk space. How can I truncate long messages?

Before we proceed any further, there is a very important email feature to
observe. If you alter the content-length of a message it is highly
advisable first to discard any "Content-Length:" lines from the email's
header. If you fail to do that, there is the danger that next time you
read the relevant email folder your email program will break your folder
because of erroneous length information. Many email programs are
brain-dead that way.

--- cut here --- cut here ---

>From everything I've caught on the subject, it sounds like it's up to your
email client, but removal of the Content-Length:" header will improve your
odds for success. I suppose with email headers, simplicity is good. A
quick and dirty test would be to zap those lines from some broken messages
and see if that helps.

- Bob

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