Hello Anthony -
> Finally picked up a 16MB CompactFlash card, so that I could do some
> additional testing.
> I set up the CF card on an CF-to-IDE adaptor,

I was pleasantly surprised to find that you have this
for a legacy `386 machine! :-)

I am very interested in what you are doing with this.  Can
you give out specifics about this adapter, cost, location,

>  installed MS-DOS 6.22,
> and then installed Windows 3.1 to the CF card.

Were these installed from the original installation diskettes
or some other method?

> I turned off virtual
> memory entirely during the installation process, and did not install
> the help files, to keep the installed size of Windows down.

Hmmm ... long term when you want to use this W31 for Internet
browsing etc. having only 8 meg might be a tight squeeze.  Opera
or Arachne would be OK with that amount of memory (I think?) but
if you needed something line Netscape v4.08 for javascripting 8
meg would be difficult to work with IMO.

> The computer being used is has an AMD386DX40 processor with 128KB of
> cache memory, 8MB of DRAM on 30-pin SIMMs, and all I/O done via an all-
> in-one IDE, floppy, serial port, parallel port ISA card, with a serial
> mouse. Video via Trident 1MB ISA card.  System video setting was left
> at 640x480x16, and no additional drivers were loaded beyond the Windows
> defaults.

W31 Internet browsing is much better at 800x600 displays here but 640x480
is useable.


> Additionally, programs like Write, File Manager, etc. loaded much more
> quickly, with File Manager hardly seeming to take any time at all.

PeepHole also enjoys a much faster FileManager than a normal hard
drive install. :-)

> If I can come across a 128MB or 256MB CompactFlash device, I think I
> might undertake setting up Win95 the same way, and testing, but I
> expect very interesting results from it.

I have read of ramdrive installs of W95 which makes me think you should
have no problems once you have a larger CF card.

Very interesting.  I like what you are doing with this it seems to have
some real potential. :-)


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