Hello Ben -

At 11:48 AM 8/16/02 +0100, you wrote:
>> Oberon thinks it is in it's own
>> partition and behaves in that fashion while your existing FAT partition
>> simply sees one large file.  No Lilo, Loadlin, nothing like that.
>How does it boot then?  I must admit, I've not had a chance to look at
>Oberon; it's been something to do at some point since someone mentioned it
>on the gem-dev list a few years ago.

I over-spoke in a earlier message.  My install of Oberon does have something
similar to Linux Loadlin, Noboot.exe to boot from DOS CLI.  My point was that
it's non-invasive and won't trash a working FAT file system.

Charles Angelich

The Ghost in the Machine!

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