Forwarded by:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frits Westra)
Originally from:  Len Sassaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Original Subject: ANNOUNCMENT: Mixmaster 2.0.4b46 released.
Original Date:    Mon, 23 Sep 2002 18:35:50 GMT
X-Newsgroups:     alt.privacy.anon-server

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Version 2.0.4b46 of Mixmaster 2.0.x has been released. This is a security

Major changes:

The zlib double-free vulnerability has been patched.

OpenSSL, rather than SSLeay, is now used.

mktemp() has been replaced with mkstemp().

Source files and pre-compiled DOS zip archive are available at and

The DOS version has been compiled by Ulf Moeller, using OpenSSL 0.9.6g.

This version has been tested against Reliable 1.0.5 and Jack B. Nymble
2.1.4, as well as in "stand-alone" mode. It should be fully operational
with other software versions and products as well, though we would
appreciated any success/bug reports.

Users running 2.0.4b45 in "remailer" mode, either alone or with Reliable,
are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

Users running 2.0.4b45 in client mode are not likely to be at risk for any
possible exploit, but are also encouraged to upgrade if possible.

- --Len.

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