Hiya Lists!
Say, remembering about NAVC in the Norton Antivirus for Win3X/DOS version
4 installation also reminded me of a couple of other freeware antivirus scanners
that I have.  NAVC is also available in a stand-alone self-extracting EXE installer
archive form Symantec (last I checked anyway), but I keep the installer handy for
friends just in case.  The other I remembered is also from Symantec...it is a scanner
and disinfectant for Windows 9X only, maybe NT as well.  It came from the Symantec
BBS a number of years ago, and uses the same antivirus definition files as older
versions of Norton Utilities (which I have) as well as the 16 bit scanners and full
applications.  It doesn't, however, contain a resident "real-time" antivirus checker.
It is just a scanner and disinfector.  However, these 2 apps come in real handy when
setting up a machine that has a possible infection...or if a person had NO protection
at all, at least to scan a downloaded file prior to execution.  I can post these to
tmonroe site also.  NAVSCN32 is a bit over 2 meg, and NAVC1099.EXE is about
one full 1.44 meg diskette.  Both are updated with the 16 bit Norton Intelligent 
C U L8R!
Wiz  <{;-)
Glenn Gilbreath Jr.
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.htm
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