I recently posed the following to members of the g-list (Apple Mac G machines) and I 
would also be interested in any ideas this list might have. I was thinking something 
along the lines of using a PC as a bridge between the upstairs and downstairs 

I have been thinking about this for awhile and I think the time has come to
finally decide how best to handle this situation.  I have a computer room
downstairs, populated mostly with PC's, including my primary file server
system.  Also in this room is where my cable modem and Dlink wap/router are
located, as well as a 16 port 10 mbit ethernet hub.  Most of my network is
wired, including this B&W G3 here in my bedroom, but I also have a couple of
notebooks which I use naturally with the wireless portion of the network.
Everything works fairly well, I can access the internet from all the
machines and for the most part the PC's peacefully co-exist with my Macs for
now.  Here is where the monkey wrench gets thrown in for good measure, I
want to establish a second base of operation upstairs to be comprised mostly
of my Macintosh hardware collection consisting of a couple of beige G3s, a
PM 7200, Quadra 700 and a couple of LC IIIs.  Now all of my computers have
ethernet capabilities so I want to stick with that for tying them all
together, so my question is, what is the best way to do this.  It seems to
me some sort of wireless access upstairs and perhaps a second hub would be
the logical way to go, but I am open for suggestions.  I would prefer to
keep the costs to a minimum as I already have a substantial investment with
the various systems I have accumulated.  Many TIA for any help provided.

Just a message from Doug...

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