Once the concept is defined then we can then look at methods of delivering it.
If you still feel that this is wishful thinking, thinkagain of the people you 
consider to be leadership role models. No part of this site may be reproduced 
in any form without the priorwritten permission of Extensor Limited. The six 
styles defined and explored are: Authoritative Coaching Democratic Affiliative 
Coerciveand Pace-setting The pros and cons of each one are discussed, with 
real-life case studiesas examples. That truth can add huge value when converted 
into actionplans, and then into swift and decisive action.
That is when we do not have a clear idea of our goal. This process begins at 
the vision stage by expressing the vision in a way thatappeals to common values 
and makes achievement of the new direction importantto those being led.
At the very least, this represents a possibility. Second, a lot ofpeople are 
frightened of having spaces in their diary in case others in theorganisation 
think they are slacking. A lot of organisations adopt this strategy, even 
though they wouldrarely admit it: 'You cannot change your genes - so it is a 
waste of timeto try.
'  Click here if you would like to purchase a copy of this book. Complacency 
canresult. Thisin turn tends to increase staff loyalty as people see the 
organisation as beingan attractive place to work. Beforethis, broadcasting and 
viewing were discrete events - broadcasters broadcastand viewers viewed.
At the same time as the shape of organisationalhierarchies are changing, so too 
are their requirements.
We analyse some more. So weemploy a strict diet.
Creating a Leadership Culture Increasingchange in the organisation's 
environment implies a need for creating a leadershipculture.

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