October 25, 2000

Sacramento Offers $70 Million For Diesel Truck Emission Cleanup

SACRAMENTO, California, October 25, 2000 (ENS) - The Sacramento 
Council of Governments is devoting $70 million to helping truckers 
replace, retrofit and overhaul diesel powered engines. The Sacramento 
Emergency Clean Air and Transportation program will provide funds to 
vehicle owners for replacement of old engines with newer engines, use 
of cleaner diesel formulations such as emulsified diesel, or retrofit 
of existing engines with emissions control devices. Providing 
financial incentives to truckers, many of them independent business 
people, shares the burden of the high cost of replacing older style 
diesel fleets with ones that are cleaner and more fuel efficient. 
Most of California's transportation fleets are powered by diesel 

Diesel powered trucks produce smog. (Photo courtesy CATI)

"The new $70 million incentive program is an extraordinary 
opportunity to clean up Sacramento Valley truck emissions and will 
assist truckers in improving air quality, and public health while 
maintaining the benefits offered by diesel engines in providing the 
most cost effective clean air solution," said Allen Schaeffer, 
spokesperson for the Diesel Technology Forum. Diesel Technology Forum 
members - some of the biggest names in the automotive, 
transportation, fuel refining, exhaust aftertreatment and heavy duty 
engine industries - are working to improve air quality by developing 
cleaner diesel engines, low sulfur fuel, and emissions cleanup 
devices for existing diesel vehicles. "Today's diesel trucks have 
only one-eighth the level of emissions of a truck built just a dozen 
years ago, and further improvements are on the horizon for 2004 and 
2007. With these tremendous advances in lowering emissions, coupled 
with these kinds of incentive programs to address existing fleet 
emissions, clean diesel really does provide more clean air for the 
dollar," said Schaeffer. More information is available at:

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