EREN NETWORK NEWS -- November 15, 2000
A weekly newsletter from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN).

*News and Events
           President: Clean Energy Helps Reduce Global Warming
           Report: "No Regrets" Policies Can Mitigate Climate Change
           DaimlerChrysler Unveils Methanol-Powered Fuel-Cell Cars
           Honda, FuelMaker to Develop Home Natural Gas Refueling
           Market Study Shows Growth in Energy Star Appliance Sales
           Green Power Companies Offering Flat Rates in California

*Site News
           Green Energy Finance

*Energy Facts and Tips
           Report: Energy Outlook for the Winter is Mixed News

*About this Newsletter

President: Clean Energy Helps Reduce Global Warming

President Clinton commented on the threat of global
warming in a Webcast this weekend and noted the efforts
currently underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
using clean energy technologies. Clinton highlighted a report
that concludes the predicted global warming could cause
more flooding in the United States, more droughts, more
extreme weather, a serious disruption of water supplies, the
loss of species, and the destruction of entire ecosystems.

"·Vice President Gore and I have pursued common sense
strategies to reduce greenhouse gas pollution," said Clinton.
"We've expanded research and development of solar, wind,
biofuels and other renewable energy resources. We've taken
dramatic steps to reduce energy use by the federal
government, the world's largest energy consumer. We've
adopted stronger energy efficient standards for appliances
and forged new alliances with industry, including the
Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles. These are all
steps that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while saving
consumers money and strengthening our economy."

President Clinton also proposed an integrated strategy for
controlling power plant emissions, including mercury and
carbon dioxide, using the same emissions trading strategy
that is being used to reduce acid rain. The President's
comments were made as negotiations on an international
treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- commonly
referred to as the Kyoto accord -- resumed this week at The
Hague in the Netherlands.

See the Presidential Webcast, including a fact sheet and
video and audio files, on the White House Web site at:

Report: "No Regrets" Policies Can Mitigate Climate Change

A report released Sunday by the International Project for
Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP) finds that "no regrets"
policies -- mainly those that encourage energy efficiency and
renewable energy -- could greatly benefit the United States
and other countries while achieving the emissions reduction
goals of the Kyoto accord. "No regrets" policies are those
that are considered beneficial independent of their climate
change benefits. The report estimates that such policies
could save the United States $60 billion per year in energy
costs by the year 2010 while reducing greenhouse gas
emissions to 7 percent below 1990 emissions levels. See the
IPSEP press release at:

See the full IPSEP report by selecting "Latest Report" on the
IPSEP home page at: <http://www.ipsep.org/>.

Clean energy technologies not only reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, but also reduce harmful air pollutants, yielding
public health benefits. Recognizing that such "co-control
benefits" could encourage developing countries to limit their
greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency started an International Co-Control
Benefits Analysis Program (ICAP) in 1998. Managed by
DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the program
is now assisting Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Mexico,
Korea and South Africa in evaluating the benefits of
integrating climate change strategies with their local
environmental protection efforts. See the new ICAP Web site
at: <http://www.nrel.gov/icap/>.

DaimlerChrysler Unveils Methanol-Powered Fuel-Cell Cars

Ballard Power Systems Inc. announced last week that
DaimlerChrysler has built a prototype vehicle using a Ballard
fuel cell powered directly from methanol, without having to
convert the methanol to hydrogen. The 3-kilowatt direct-
methanol fuel cell powered a small one-person vehicle.

DaimlerChrysler also unveiled its NECAR 5 prototype, which
is also fueled with methanol but uses a fuel processor to
convert the methanol to hydrogen. The hydrogen feeds a
75-kilowatt fuel cell that powers a five-passenger Mercedes
A Class automobile. See the Ballard press release at:

DaimlerChrysler also announced last week that it has
developed a hybrid electric version of its Dodge Ram pickup.
The hybrid version promises 15 percent better fuel
efficiency, lower emissions and better performance for the
same engine size, and will be available with either gasoline-
or diesel-fueled engines. Drivers will have the option of
choosing electric-only, hybrid, or fuel-only modes. Dubbed
the "Contractor Special" by DaimlerChrysler, the pickup will
have the ability to act as a 20-kilowatt electrical generator for
powering construction equipment or farm equipment, or as
an emergency power source for a home. The company plans
to launch the vehicle in 2004, at a cost of $5,000 more than
conventional Ram pickups. See the November 8th
DaimlerChrysler press release by selecting "Press Releases
and Speeches" at:

Honda, FuelMaker to Develop Home Natural Gas Refueling

Owners of vehicles fueled with natural gas may soon be
deciding that home is where the refueling station is, thanks
to a new collaboration of American Honda Motor Company,
Inc. and FuelMaker Corporation. The companies recently
announced that Honda has bought an interest in FuelMaker
with the intent of developing an inexpensive home refueling
appliance for natural gas vehicles.

Natural gas is a clean-burning alternative fuel, and Honda's
natural-gas-powered version of its Civic GX has proven
popular. However, the low availability of refueling stations
has largely limited sales to corporate fleets. Honda sees
home refueling stations as a way to encourage homeowners
to buy the cars. See the FuelMaker press release at:

In related news, DOE is gearing up for the 7th National
Clean Cities Conference and Expo, to be held in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in May 2001. DOE's Clean
Cities program encourages the use of alternative fuel
vehicles and their supporting infrastructure throughout the
United States. See the conference announcement at:

Market Study Shows Growth in Energy Star Appliance Sales

A study released last month by NPD INTELECT Market
Tracking found that January-to-September sales of Energy
Star products increased 31 percent in 2000 over the same
period last year. Dishwashers and air conditioners posted
the largest increase, at 66 percent, while washing machines
increased 11 percent, despite costing 129 percent more than
less energy-efficient washers. Refrigerators showed a
5 percent decline. Energy Star refrigerators cost 72 percent
more than less energy-efficient models, but their energy
savings often pays back the added cost within several years.
See the NPD press release at:

In related news, a recent study by the Pew Center on Global
Climate Change suggests that public policies should be
targeted at encouraging consumers to replace aging
appliances before they break down. It also suggests that
incentives aimed at the salesperson, rather than the
consumer, might be the most effective in encouraging the
purchase of energy-efficient appliances. See the Pew Center
press release at:

The full report is posted at:

Do you think your company deserves an Energy Star award?
Awards are presented for the whole range of Energy Star
activities, including products, buildings, consumer
education, and combined heat and power. Find out how to
submit your company's application at:

Green Power Companies Offering Flat Rates in California

Clean energy advocates have long pointed out that
renewable energy sources are free from the price
fluctuations to which any fossil-fueled energy source is
exposed. Those arguments largely fell on deaf ears until this
summer's high electricity prices in California, accompanied
by rising energy costs for gasoline and natural gas
throughout the country. Now two providers of "green power"
-- electricity from renewable energy -- are proving the
argument by offering flat-rate pricing plans in California.

TenderLand Power Company started the trend by offering a
flat-rate price to a maximum of 80,000 customers in the San
Diego area this summer. The company plans a 10-megawatt
expansion of a wind energy project in Palm Springs,
California, and has offered customers the option of having
their names emblazoned on the towers of the new turbines.
The company is also offering flat-rate green power to all
electric vehicle owners in California, and is providing those
owners with enough free electricity to drive 5,000 miles. See
the TenderLand press releases at:

Green Mountain Energy followed suit on Monday with its
announcement of a new fixed-rate pricing plan for residential
and small business customers in the San Diego and Orange
County areas. The fixed rate is being offered for its Solar for
the Future green power product. See the Green Mountain
Energy Web site at:

Green Energy Finance

Sponsored by DOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, this site is a one-stop shop of energy efficiency
financing resources for homeowners, building managers,
architects, lending institutions, and others. Visitors can
search the site's database of resources by keywords or by
categories. In addition, users can sign up on an electronic
mailing list for sharing information and resources pertaining
to energy efficiency financing.

For this and other recent additions to the EREN Web site,
see <http://www.eren.doe.gov/new/whats-new.html>.

Report: Energy Outlook for the Winter is Mixed News

When it comes to energy supplies and prices, there's good
and bad news in store for the United States this winter,
according to the latest "Short Term Energy Outlook" from
DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA). Released
last week, the report finds that crude oil prices are "defying
gravity" by staying high, but EIA expects prices to drop. The
heating demand has also been low thus far, but heating oil
stocks are "below previous expectations," which bodes
poorly for heating oil prices this winter. The report notes that
the new Northeast Heating Oil Reserve is full, but also notes
that its stocks "are assumed to be unavailable under any but
the most extreme circumstances." Finally, the report finds
that natural gas drilling has proceeded at "a torrid pace" with
the rise in prices -- causing the supply situation to improve --
and near-term natural gas prices have fallen. See the EIA
report at:

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This Web page also allows you to update your email address
or unsubscribe to this newsletter.

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
home page is located at <http://www.eren.doe.gov/>.

If you have questions or comments about this
newsletter, please contact the editor, Kevin Eber, at

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