--- In biofuel@egroups.com, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ouch......
> just bought the plans and materials for a charles 803 .......
> there seems to be a significant body of evidence that this still 
> produce useable fuel.....
> thats why I have proceeded with this project.....
> what is going on with JTForeever  and Robert W.....
> a falling out it seems.???
> I am trying to find an alternative ( read cheaper) to the US made 
> controlled valve suggested.
> Does any one have any suggestions....
> jessey (australia)
> At 11:10 AM 20/11/00 +0000, you wrote:
> >
> >Message: 4
> >    Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:34:35 +0900
> >    From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Charles 803 fuel ethanol still
> >
> >Prompted by various warning bells, Journey to Forever sought expert
> >advice on the Charles 803 still design. The findings are that it 
> >not match up to the claims Robert Warren makes for it.
> >
> >As a result we've removed all material pertaining to the still from
> >the Journey to Forever website and from the Files section of the
> >Biofuels list website at eGroups.
> >
> >In brief, the Charles 803 is NOT a fractionating still and will not
> >produce pure ethanol. It will produce fuel-grade alcohols (plural),
> >but the end result will contain not only ethanol but also methanol
> >and a good proportion of the higher alcohols (fusel oils). Some of
> >these alcohols are highly poisonous. The alcohol produced by this
> >still is NOT drinkable, but it can be used in a car engine.
> >
> >There is no stress on safety in the operating instructions and 
> >should be. The still is a closed system that is being fed a good 
> >of energy and contains highly inflammable substances in gaseous and
> >hot liquid form. A blockage could cause a disaster. The original
> >operating instructions included this warning:
> >
> >"It is very easy, if you do not follow the safety warnings, to 
make a
> >still which will blow up in your face. Alcohol as a liquid is not
> >dangerous (unless taken internally) but ALCOHOL IN A VAPOR WILL
> >EXPLODE. It would be useless as a fuel if this were not true. This
> >still is safer than most batch stills because the boiler can be set
> >up at a distance from the still. Alcohol does not explode like
> >gasoline. Gas vapors go off with a bang. Alcohol burns more slowly 
> >that is goes off with more of a whoosh and is more likely to ignite
> >something else."
> >
> >Take these safety precautions:
> >
> >- Do NOT operate this still indoors.
> >- Do NOT use an open flame to heat the boiler (would you light a
> >match next to a gasoline tanker?).
> >- Always have a CO2 fire extinguisher to hand.
> >- Never operate the still when you're alone - make sure help is
> >available if it's needed.
> >
> >Be safe, be cautious, please don't risk hurting yourself, and
> >remember - just ONE accident could set the biofuels movement back
> >years.
> >
> >If you've built one of these stills, distill a batch of water 
> >it first before trying it with alcohol. Check closely for any 
> >leaks and make sure to seal them tightly. If it springs a leak 
> >a run, stop the process immediately - kill the heat to the boiler 
> >(carefully) open the pressure relief valve. We have one of these
> >stills, which we bought used from Robert Warren. We found it 
> >a lot of dirt. We recommend stripping the still down regularly and
> >giving it a thorough internal cleaning.
> >
> >We'd like to point out that Robert Warren has never been a member 
> >Journey to Forever nor had any formal association with us. Though 
> >may have given that impression, it was without any foundation or
> >authority. The Journey to Forever website did say that $10 from the
> >purchase of each set of plans for the Charles 803 still would go
> >towards Journey to Forever, but Journey to Forever has never 
> >any money from the sale of the still plans. We waived the offer
> >before Robert Warren left the US for England, and it was an 
> >that it was not removed from our website.
> >
> >
> >Keith Addison
> >Journey to Forever
> >Handmade Projects
> >Tokyo
> >http://journeytoforever.org/
> >
> >
> >the valve is a bradshaw water regulating valve and can be 
purchased from johnstone supply in chattanooga tn, for $229.00. the 
part number is nsv47ab-4 as i read it from the invoice.phone number 
is 1 800 5250387. they deal with you on a credit card basis and you 
get parts in two days. hope this helps. 
> >
> >
> >
> >

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