> Someone a while back wrote of a method to increase the output of the
>stillmaker unit. To date I am unable to locate this on the the
>website. If anyone knows the location or the susggested mods, it
>would be greatly appreciated.

Here it is:

From: "David Teal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 01:31:07 -0000
Reply-To: biofuel@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: 803

Jason wonders whether the Stillmakers design can be made to work
continuously.  The answer is yes.  There are a few other mods which improve
(stabilise) its performance even in batch mode:
1.    Re-configure the cooling circuit so that coolant enters at the bottom
of the condenser, then from the top it goes through the upper part of the
column, down through a clear hose (so you can see when airlock is cleared)
and finally through the lower part of the column.  I think Mr. Stillmaker
already figured this one out judging from his recent comment, but the pdf
document shows it wrong.
2.    Control the coolant flow with a fine-action valve on the outlet.  This
keeps it under pressure and avoids dissolved air coming out of solution at
the high point (quite important when you think about it).  A screw-clamp on
thick-wall silcone tube works well.
3.    Insulate the column and "boiler" with old foam-backed carpet or
AND, for continuous operation, try the following:
4.    Heat applied from a steam generator (pressure cooker).  Use old
stillage which still contains some "goodness".
5.    Copper steam pipe (insulated of course) goes through the lid and down
to bottom of "boiler".  When steam generator becomes depleted (check the
weight), remove heat and it will quickly suck liquid back in as steam
6.    A short feed pipe through the lid allows periodic top-up with
pre-heated beer.  Keep closed between top-ups or vapour will escape.
7.    A stillage overflow pipe passing out through the side of the "boiler"
stops it getting filled with condensed steam and water from top-ups.
Inside, this pipe is bent down below liquid level to avoid escape of vapour.
It also acts a a pressure relief syphon.
8.    Use beer as coolant, and discharge it into an insulated container
(cool-box) ready for top-up.  This way you dont lose much heat.

I should be interested to learn if this type of set-up is in common use.
Also any advance on the quest for a cheap refigeration valve?

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