----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: serious ethanol players

Well now, gentlemen, if such indeed you be. Making silly locker-room
jokes out of people's names in public makes a fool of you, not of the
undeserving butt of your jokes.

If you want to argue the facts with someone then please do so with
some grace. Insults and contempt don't cut it, what they show is
arrogance, not superior wisdom.

Are you quite certain that producing a ton of raw material, whether
sugar or grain, is the same thing in Brazil as it is in the US? I'd
be surprised if that was the case. Anyway, those figures are an
overall average, they presume a standard situation which doesn't
exist on the ground, not even in the US - there's no such thing as a
"standard" farm. Maybe Brazilians know more about growing sugar than
Americans do. Or maybe not. Hopefully we'll find out.

Why didn't you just quote your figures contradicting his claim and
ask him if he could refute them? Maybe he can. But maybe he got fed
up with your unwarranted insults and won't bother. Which would be a
pity, as we can all learn from the Brazilian experience. Also we'd
learn no more about the Brazilian methanol from wood process, which
would also be a pity.

Treating a useful and constructive contribution that way is
discouraging and negative. If you haven't got anything useful to say,
then shut up. If you have got something useful to say, then find a
better way of saying it. If you don't like it, tough. Got it?

Your foolish messages will be deleted from the archives.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

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