Hi Thomas

>Hey, just a thought, but since it appears that the most readily
>produceable biofuel is methane from digesters, maybe this bears more

You won't say that when your digester leaks some air and explodes, 
and the, um, feedstock hits the fan! I'm not so sure it's the most 
readily produceable biofuel, I think it's quite troublesome. IMHO 
both biodiesel and ethanol would be simpler, if it came to a choice 
and all things were equal (which they seldom are). A good combination 
might be to use biogas for energy in producing biodiesel or ethanol 
for fuel. Biogas as mobile fuel has its problems. See the excerpt 
below from Peter-John Meynell's book "Methane - Planning a Digestor".

I'm right with you that biogas needs more discussion on the list, 
there's been very little, and it certainly qualifies. Stephen Lakios 
knows a lot about biogas, what do you think Stephen? Anyone else?

We don't talk much about woodgas either (producer gas). Nor about 
using straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel.

>Exactly how difficult/expensive is it to compress methane
>to the point where it could be used with standard propane fuel systems?
>Isn't propane/butane a mixture of biogasses?  I don't know, but it seems
>that even if a compression system was relatively expensive, the
>potential foruse of waste materials for feedstock may make it
>worthwhile, and avoid the "there's not enough food for people, how can
>we use it for fuel?" argument, which is the one I hear most frequently
>talking to people about biofuels.

I think many or most of us are using wastes - WVO for biodiesel or 
any number of wastes for ethanol. If we didn't use them they'd either 
foul up the landfills and/or the water systems, or just go to waste 
(eg windfall fruit in a pigless orchard). Optimising waste-use could 
produce immense amounts of energy with zero loss to anyone and great 
gain to everyone in environmental improvements, apart from more 
diversified energy supply and lower fossil-fuel use.

Anyway, it's nonsense that there's not enough food for everyone, 
there's more than enough. The extract from Food First's The Myth of 
Scarcity below should help you counter that argument.

>(I think it's mostly
>politics/profiteering myself, but hey...)


>     Anyway, happy holidays to everyone on the list and good luck with
>your endeavors this year.  Who knows, maybe this will be our

I think it had better be, if there's going to be one! Happy holiday to you too.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

>Thomas Jumper

 From The Myth of Scarcity

The world today produces enough grain alone to provide every human 
being on the planet with 3,500 calories a day. That's enough to make 
most people fat! And this estimate does not even count many other 
commonly eaten foods - vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits, 
grass-fed meats, and fish. In fact, if all foods are considered 
together, enough is available to provide at least 4.3 pounds of food 
per person a day. That includes two and half pounds of grain, beans 
and nuts, about a pound of fruits and vegetables, and nearly another 
pound of meat, milk and eggs.

Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the supply of food in the 
world today. Increases in food production during the past 35 years 
have outstripped the world's unprecedented population growth by about 
16 percent. Indeed, mountains of unsold grain on world markets have 
pushed prices strongly downward over the past three and a half 
decades. Grain prices rose briefly during the early 1990s, as bad 
weather coincided with policies geared toward reducing 
overproduction, but still remained well below the highs observed in 
the early sixties and mid-seventies. All well and good for the global 
picture, you might be thinking, but doesn't such a broad stroke tell 
us little? Aren't most of the world's hungry living in countries with 
food shortages - countries in Latin America, in Asia, and especially 
in Africa?

Hunger in the face of ample food is all the more shocking in the 
Third World. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 
of the United Nations, gains in food production since 1950 have kept 
ahead of population growth in every region except Africa. The 
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) found in a 
1997 study that 78% of all malnourished children under five in the 
developing world live in countries with food surpluses.

Thus, even most "hungry countries" have enough food for all their 
people right now. This finding turns out to be true using official 
statistics even though experts warn us that newly modernizing 
societies invariably underestimate farm production - just as a 
century ago at least a third of the U.S. wheat crop went uncounted. 
Moreover, many nations can't realize their full food production 
potential because of the gross inefficiencies caused by inequitable 
ownership of resources.

Finally, many of the countries in which hunger is rampant export much 
more in agricultural goods than they import. Northern countries are 
the main food importers, their purchases representing 71.2 percent of 
the total value of food items imported in the world in 1992. Imports 
by the 30 lowest-income countries, on the other hand, accounted for 
only 5.2 percent of all international commerce in food and farm 

 From "Methane - Planning a Digestor", Peter-John Meynell, 2nd 
edition, 1982, Prism Press, Dorchester, UK, ISBN 0 907061 15 X

Where electricity is the required form of energy (and this is 
becoming increasingly common) the cost of methane generated 
electricity compares favourably with the mains supply. Such a 
situation is only practicable when enough gas is produced to warrant 
semi-continuous operation of the generator.

For generators and stationary engines biogas does not need to be 
compressed, since the gas can be piped direct to the engine. Normal 
gas consumption is about 16 cubic feet (450 litres) per horse power 
per hour. However, for automobiles and mobile engines the gas is 
normally bottled so as to minimise storage space, although Imhoff 
gives examples of cars and tractors carrying large collapsible bags 
on the roof.

Methane or biogas does not liquefy very easily (its critical 
temperature and pressure being -82.5 deg C (-116.5 deg F) and 45.8 
atmospheres), so that it is not so simple to compress and bottle as 
some of the other gases, such as propane or butane. In large 
installations the gas can be compressed to about 350 atmospheres 
(5000 psi) and stored in special containers. From here it would be 
transferred to the smaller pressure vessels carried by cars or 
tractors at about 200 atmospheres (2800 psi). For smaller 
installations direct filling of the pressure vessels between 
2000-3000 psi will be adequate. A typical container size would be 
about 5 foot long by 9 inches diameter (1.6 m x 0.27m in diameter), 
capacity 1.9 cubic feet (54 litres) and weigh about 140 lb (63 Kg). 
This would hold the equivalent of 420 cubic feet of uncompressed 
methane, which is comparable to about 3-1/2 gallons of petrol (15.9 
litres). Coulthard in Australia uses two 280 lb (127 Kg) gas bottles, 
with gas at 2000 psi; his car has a range of 100 miles (160 Km). 
However, not only does the storage of the gas occupy three to four 
times the space that petrol does, but also the weight of the 
cylinders considerably adds to the overall payload of the vehicle. 
Coulthard has to have a spring fitted under the rear end of the car 
to compensate for the extra weight of the gas containers. Obviously 
if you decide to convert your car to run on biogas, the amount of 
compression and weight of the cylinders will reflect on the 
alterations to the car and the average length of journey in between 
filling up. Running a car on biogas becomes a little more worthwhile 
for short, local trips, when you can fill up with gas frequently (at 
least daily). Unless the situation changes, your digester will be 
your only 'filling station' for miles.

There are also inefficiencies in the compression of the gas: it will 
use up energy (at about 25% efficiency), and as a fuel for the engine 
the compressed gas will again burn at about 25% efficiency. The 
actual useful work when gas provides the power for mobile engines 
must be lower than any other use. Nevertheless, it has been done 
successfully on a number of occasions - probably the most ingenious 
and large-scale. operations of this sort were the powering of fleets 
of sewage-works vehicles during the war. The advantage such fleets 
have over casual users of sludge gas is that the vehicles are 
confined to one location and pass the fuel store often enough to fill 
up whenever necessary. Agricultural tractors confined to a farm would 
be in a similar situation. Yet besides the inefficiencies in this use 
of the gas, there could be problems arising from its compression, 
since it involves extra handling and further possible risks of 
explosion. A Home Office licence has to be obtained in order to store 
methane in the liquid state (but it is very rarely necessary to 
compress it that far).

The use chosen for the gas will depend upon the needs of each 
situation. The domestic uses are obvious and can be applied directly. 
In the case of autonomous houses biogas represents a supplementary 
fuel. It is obvious that the wastes from a small number of people, 
without any livestock, can not produce enough gas to perform any of 
the principal tasks outlined above - the waste from ten people might 
produce enough methane to keep a gas ring alight for one hour a day.

In a rural or semi-rural situation the position is different, for not 
only can the waste from the humans be used (with only a small flush 
of water to prevent over-dilution), but animal and vegetable wastes 
could provide the main bulk of organic matter for digestion, so that 
cooking or water heating can be carried out on a reasonable scale. 
Some designs which incorporate the digester within the house itself 
are potentially dangerous and invite the half-serious question of 
what happens when a lighted match is dropped down the lavatory? In 
all cases the digester and gas holder should be situated apart from 
other buildings.


L.J. Fry, Methane digesters for fuel, gas and fertilisers. (1973)
Karl Imhoff, Muller and Thistlethwaite, Disposal of sewage and other 
waterborne wastes, Butterworths. (1966)
J. Coulthard, Sanamatic Tanks, Australia

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