European Union Tackles Small Engine Emissions

BRUSSELS, Belgium, December 26, 2000 (ENS) - Drawing heavily on rules 
already in place in the United States, the European Commission has 
proposed a law governing air pollutants from petrol driven non-road 
mobile equipment, such as lawnmowers and other garden tools.

The directive will establish the first ever European Union limits on 
such machinery and it follows agreement of similar limits on non-road 
diesel engined machinery in 1997.

One old gas powered lawn mower running for an hour emits as much 
pollution as driving 650 miles in a 1992 model automobile. (Photo 
courtesy Sacramento Air Quality Management District)
As proposed by the European Commission, the directive requires the 
European Union's 15 member states to set limits on carbon monoxide, 
hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides for seven different engine types.

This will be achieved in two steps. The first of these will be within 
18 months of the law's adoption and the second between 2004 and 2010, 
depending on engine type.

Once implemented, engine emissions will fall by up to 85 percent 
compared to current levels, the Commission says. Fuel consumption 
will drop by up to 30 percent, which will reduce carbon dioxide 

The Commission says the law is needed because even though emissions 
from this source are relatively minor, they are growing as a 
percentage of overall combustion engine emissions. That is because 
limits already agreed for vehicle engines are beginning to bite.

But the real novelty of the plans is a provision allowing companies 
to "borrow and trade" to ensure their products meet the stage two 
limits. For instance, producers could market an engine whose 
emissions exceed the limits provided that other engine types in their 
portfolio compensate by emitting correspondingly less.

They could also "bank" credits achieved in this way for use in 
subsequent years, and even sell them to manufacturers having trouble 
meeting the limits for their own engines.

The law is closely based on legislation in place in the U.S. since 
1997 and being prepared in Japan. It will, says the Commission, 
create "worldwide alignment" of emission standards for these 
equipment types.

Trading emissions is a distinctly American concept. The Commission 
admits it will "create some uncertainties," having "never been used 
before [at European Union level] in this field."

It will review the planned scheme and may suggest changes before it 
is due to take effect.

{Published in cooperation with ENDS Environment Daily, Europe's 
choice for environmental news. Environmental Data Services Ltd, 
London. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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