Found this in a newsgroup....could someone verify it's accuracy?

by David Pimentel


Ethanol does not provide energy security for the future. It is not a
renewable energy source, is costly in terms of production and subsidies,
its production causes serious environmental degradation (ERAB, 1980,
Dorving, 1988; GAO, 1990; Pimentel, 1991; Sparks Commodities, 1990;
Giampietro et al., 1997).

Clearly, conclusions drawn about the benefits and costs of ethanol
production will be incomplete or misleading if only a part of the total
system is assessed (Giampietro et al., 1997). The objective of this
is to update and assess all the recognized factors that operate in the
entire ethanol production system. These include direct and indirect
costs in
terms of fossil energy and dollars expended in producing the corn
as well as in the fermentation and distillation processes.

Energy Balance

The conversion of corn and some other food/feed crops into ethanol by
fermentation is a well known and established technology. In a large and
efficient plant with economies of scale, the yield from a bushel of corn
about 2.5 gallons of ethanol.

The production of corn in the United States requires significant energy
dollar inputs. Indeed, growing corn is a major energy and dollar cost of

producing ethanol (Pimentel, 1991; Giampietro et al., 1997). For
example, to
produce an average of 120 bushels of corn per acre using conventional
production technology requires more than 140 gallons of gasoline
and costs about $280 (Pimentel, 1992). The major energy inputs in U.S.
production are oil, natural gas, and/or other high grade fuels.
production and fuels for mechanization account for about two-thirds of
energy inputs for corn production (Pimentel, 1991).


April 1998

Once corn is harvested, three additional energy expenditures contribute
the total costs in the conversion process. These include energy to
the corn material to the ethanol plant, energy expended relating to
equipment requirements for the plant, and energy expended in the plant
operations for the fermentation and distillation processes.

The average costs in terms of energy and dollars for a large modern
plant (60-70 million gallon/yr) are listed in Table 1. The largest
inputs are for corn production and fuel energy expended in the
fermentation/distillation process. The total energy input to produce one

gallon of ethanol is 129,600 BTU. However, one gallon of ethanol has an
energy value of only 76,000 BTU. Thus, a net energy loss of 53,600 BTU
occurs for each gallon of ethanol produced. Put another way, about 71%
energy is required to produce a gallon of ethanol than the energy that
contained in a gallon of ethanol (Table 1).

About 63% of the cost of producing ethanol ($2.52 per gallon) in a large

plant is for the corn feedstock itself (Table 1). This cost is offset,
part, by the by-product (dried-distillers grain) which is produced and
be fed to livestock. However, most of the cost contributions from
by-products are negated by the costs of environmental pollution that
from the production processes. These are estimated to be $0.36 per
gallon of
ethanol produced (Pimentel, 1991; Giampietro et al., 1997). This shows
the environmental system in which corn is being produced is rapidly
degraded. Furthermore, it substantiates the finding that the U.S. corn
production system is not sustainable unless major changes are made in
cultivation of this important food/feed crop. Hence, corn cannot be
considered a renewable resource.

Energy Inputs in Ethanol Production

About 1 billion gallons of ethanol are currently produced in the United
States each year (Peterson et al., 1995). This quantity of ethanol
less than 1% of the fuel utilized by U.S. automobiles (USBC, 1996).

The amount of cropland that is required to grow sufficient corn to fuel
automobile is a vital factor when considering the advisability of
ethanol for automobiles. To clarify this problem, the amount of cropland

needed to fuel one automobile with ethanol was calculated. An average
car travels about 10,000 miles per year and uses about 520 gallons of
gasoline. Although 120 bushels per acre of corn yield 300 gallons of
ethanol, its energy equivalent to gasoline is only 190 gallons because
ethanol has a much lower BTU content than gasoline (76,000 BTU versus
120,000 BTU for gasoline per gallon). As shown above, there is a
net energy loss in producing ethanol. However, even assuming zero or no
energy charge for the fermentation and distillation processes and
only for the energy required to produce corn (Table 1), the net ethanol
energy yield from one acre of corn is only 50 gallons (190 gallons minus
gallons). Therefore, to provide the equivalent of 520 gallons of
per car, about 10.4 acres of corn must be grown to fuel one car with
for one year.

Land Used in Ethanol Production

To fuel one car with ethanol for one year means that nearly 7-times more

cropland would be required to fuel one car than is needed to feed one
American (USDA, 1996).

Assuming a net production of 50 gallons of fuel per acre of corn, and
assuming that all cars in the United States were fueled with ethanol, a
total of approximately 2 billion acres of cropland would be required to
provide the corn feedstock. This amount of acreage is more than 5-times
the cropland that is actually and potentially available for all crops in
future in the United States.

A major problem associated with corn production is soil erosion. In U.S.

corn production, soil erodes about 20-times faster than soil can be
(Pimentel et al., 1995). As soil quality diminishes, production moves to

marginal land which increases the susceptibility of the corn crop to
fluctuations, particularly droughts. For example, during 1988 a drought
reduced the corn crop by about 30% (USDA, 1989). These severe
in corn production occur periodically every 4 to 5 years. Additionally,
irrigated corn acreage, groundwater is being mined 25% faster than the
recharge rate (USWRC, 1979).

These land and water problems already demonstrate that the U.S. corn
production system uses large quantities of basic resources. Unless major

changes can be made in the cultivation of this major food/feed crop it
cannot be considered a renewable resource that can be relied on to
energy security for the United States.

Environmental Impacts

Ethanol production, in both the growing of the corn and in the
/ distillation process, adversely affects the quality of the environment
diverse ways. All these environmental problems cost the consumer and the

nation, and most importantly, diminish the long term sustainability of
agriculture and environmental integrity.

As mentioned, corn is one of the major row crops now responsible for
soil erosion in the United States. Estimates are that about 9 tons of
per acre are eroded per year by rain and wind in corn production areas
and Pierce, 1991). Note, this rate of soil loss is about 20-times faster

than soil reformation in agriculture (Lal and Stewart, 1990; Pimentel et

al., 1995). To replace soil nutrients that are lost as soil erodes, an
estimated $20 billion per year is required (Troeh et al., 1991).

In addition to being the largest user of fertilizers among all U.S.
corn production also is the largest user of insecticides and herbicides
(Pimentel, 1997). Unfortunately, substantial amounts of these chemicals
washed and/or drift from the target areas to contaminate adjoining
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Monitoring for fertilizer and
pollution in U.S. well water and groundwater is estimated to cost the
$2 billion per year-- if an adequate job of monitoring were done-- of
$1.2 billion would be expended just for pesticides (Nielsen and Lee,
Other environmental damages caused by pesticides are estimated to cost
nation more than $8 billion per year (Pimentel, 1997). Although these
may be
necessary expenditures for food production, their impact must be
when evaluating the environmental effects of producing ethanol fuels.

Furthermore, major pollution problems also are associated with the
production of ethanol in the conversion plant. For each gallon of corn
ethanol produced, about 160 gallons of waste water are produced. This
water has a biological oxygen demand (BOD) of 18,000-37,000 mg/liter
depending on the type of plant. If the cost of processing this sewage is

included in the pollution cost of $0.36 per gallon, it would add another

$0.06 per gallon and the total pollution costs per gallon would be

Ethanol produces less carbon monoxide than gasoline, but it produces
just as
much nitrous oxides as gasoline. In addition, ethanol adds aldehydes and

alcohol to the atmosphere, all of which are carcinogenic. When all air
pollutants associated with the entire ethanol system are measured,
production is found to contribute to major air pollution problems. The
129,600 BTU of fossil fuel including coal, oil, and natural gas, which
expended in corn production and subsequently burned in the ethanol plant

release significant amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. Also, the

carbon dioxide emissions released from burning these fossil fuels
to the global warming problem (Parry, 1990). This becomes an extremely
serious concern when coal is used as the fuel for the
fermentation/distillation processes. Thus, overall environmental
and its costs associated with ethanol production will increase if
production is expanded.

Food Versus Fuel Issues

Burning a human-food resource (corn) for fuel, as happens when ethanol
produced, raises important ethical and moral issues. Today the number of

malnourished people in the world stands at more than 2 billion, about
one-third of the world's population (WHO, 1995). This is the largest
of malnourished people in human history, and the number is growing.
with this existing problem is the escalating rate of growth in the human

population. More than a quarter of a million people are added each day
the world population, and each of these human beings requires adequate
World data confirm that per capita food supplies have been declining for
past 12 years (FAO, 1996; Pimentel et al., 1997).

Present food shortages throughout the world call attention to the
of continuing U.S. exports of corn and other grains for human food to
malnutrition and starvation. Increased corn exports increase the market
corn, improve the U.S. balance of payments, and most importantly help
people who need additional food for their survival. Present U.S. grain
exports total about $40 billion per year (USBC, 1996). Clearly using
for food is beneficial for many reasons.

Agricultural land supplies more than 99% of all world food while the
supply less than 1% (FAO, 1991). Expanding ethanol production could
diverting essential cropland from producing corn needed to sustain human

life to producing corn for ethanol factories. This will create serious
practical as well as ethical problems. Already worldwide (including the
United States) per capita supplies of cropland and fresh water are
declining, while soil erosion, deforestation, and food losses to pests
increasing. All these factors are contributing to food shortages
the world. Therefore, the practical aspects as well as the moral and
issues must be seriously considered before steps are taken to produce
convert more corn into ethanol. Clearly the ethical issue of burning
will become more intense as human food supplies must be augmented to
the basic needs of the rapidly growing world population.


A recent report by the U.S. General Accounting Office which analyzed tax

costs and federal farm program expenditures associated with projected
increased ethanol production has added to our understanding of the
complexities of ethanol production. The 1990 report concluded that: (1)
increasing ethanol production would greatly increase tax-subsidy
expenditures; (2) no projections could be made concerning any net
budget savings from increasing ethanol production; and (3) an estimate
any overall federal budget impact was precluded because of the
about production economics for both ethanol and gasoline (GAO, 1990). In

addition the report indicated that it was impossible to calculate how
higher the subsidies might have to be increased to encourage a measured
expansion of ethanol production, if the expansion were needed at all.


Ethanol production is wasteful of fossil energy resources and does not
increase energy security. This is because considerably more energy, much
it high-grade fossil fuels, is required to produce ethanol than is
in the ethanol output. Specifically, about 71% more energy is used to
produce a gallon of ethanol than the energy contained in a gallon of

Furthermore, ethanol production from corn cannot be considered renewable

energy. Its production uses more nonrenewable fossil energy resources
in the production of the corn and in the fermentation/distillation
than is produced as ethanol energy.

Unfortunately ethanol produced from corn and other food crops is an
unreliable source of energy because of uncontrollable climatic
particularly droughts which frequently reduce crop yields. The expected
priority for corn and other food crops would be for food and feed.

Increasing ethanol production will increase degradation of vital
agricultural land and water resources and will seriously contribute to
pollution of the environment. In U.S. corn production, soil erodes some
20-times faster than soil is reformed.

If there were no tax payer money paid to subsidize the ethanol
industry, there would be no ethanol produced as a fuel for automobiles.

Increasing the diversion of human food resources to support the costly
inefficient production of ethanol fuel raises major ethical questions.
is especially true when there are more than two billion humans who are
malnourished in the world.

Energy and dollar inputs for a gallon of ethanol
(Pimentel, 1991, 1992; USBC, 1996; USDA, 1996; Giampietro et al., 1997).

Inputs BTU Dollars

Corn Production 55,300 $1.60
Fermentation/Distillation 74,300 $0.92
TOTAL 129,600 $2.52


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ERAB. 1980. Gasohol. Washington, DC: Energy Research Advisory Board,
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FAO. 1991. Food Balance Sheets. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization
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Giampietro, M., S. Ulgiati, and D. Pimentel. 1997. Feasibility of
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Lal, R. and B.A. Stewart. 1990. Soil Degradation. New York:
Lal, R. and F.J. Pierce. 1991. Soil Management for Sustainability.
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production of agriculturally produced fuels. Applied Engineering in
Agriculture 11(6): 767-772.
Pimentel, D. 1991. Ethanol fuels: Energy security, economics, and the
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Pimentel, D. 1992. Energy inputs in production agriculture. In Energy in

World Agriculture, ed. R.C. Fluck. pp. 13-29. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Pimentel, D. 1997. Techniques for Reducing Pesticides: Environmental and

Economic Benefits. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Pimentel, D., C. Harvey, P. Resosudarmo, K. Sinclair, D. Kurz, M.
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Environmental and economic costs of soil erosion and conservation
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population growth on food supplies and environment. Population and
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Sparks Commodities. 1990. Impacts of the Richardson Amendment to H.R.
on U.S. Agricultural Sector. McLean, VA: Sparks Commodities, Inc.,
Washington Division.
Troeh, F.R, J.A Hobbs, and R.L. Donahue. 1991. Soil and Water
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USBC. 1996. Statistical Abstract of the United States. 201st ed.
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USDA. 1989. Agricultural Statistics. Washington, DC: USDA.
USDA. 1996. Agricultural Statistics. Washington, DC: USDA.
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The Author: David Pimentel

David Pimentel is a professor of ecology and agricultural science at
University, Ithaca, NY 14853-0901. His Ph.D. is from Cornell University.
research spans the fields of energy, land and water conservation, and
natural resource management. Pimentel has published more than 475
papers and 20 books and has served on many national and government
committees including the National Academy of Sciences; President's
Advisory Council; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Office of Technology
Assessment of the U.S. Congress; and the U.S. State Department.

David Pimentel
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Cornell University
5126 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853-0901
607-255-0939 (fax)

April 1998

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