EPA study confirms health threat of fine particulates

A U.S. EPA review of new research on the health effects of fine 
particulates confirms the suspected link between soot and thousands 
of premature deaths each year, lending more scientific weight to 
Clinton-era rules that would cut allowable levels of soot and smog.

EPA proposed in 1997 changing the standard for particulates from 10 
microns across to 2.5 microns after finding that the smaller 
particles penetrate deep into the lungs and can cause or worsen 
respiratory and other problems. Industry has vigorously opposed the 
new standards, arguing that they were based on faulty science and 
would impose tremendous costs. But EPA's review of research conducted 
over the past few years verified the earlier results the agency used 
to revise the standards. "The bottom line is the studies very 
substantially confirm the original findings," said Dr. Lester D. 
Grant, director of EPA's national center for environmental assessment 
in Research Triangle Park, N.C. "That goes a long way toward laying 
to rest the sort of controversy that swirled around those studies."

Whether the Bush administration will change the new rule or let it 
stand remains unclear. The Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge 
by the American Trucking Association and other industry groups in 
February, but other litigation is pending.
Tiny Bits of Soot Tied to Illnesses *
April 21, 2001

Tiny Bits of Soot Tied to Illnesses


n a new review of the science behind its proposal to purge fine soot 
from the air, the Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that 
there is a stronger link than ever between the tiniest soot particles 
and thousands of premature deaths each year.

The analysis, still being revised, considered more than 3,000 new 
health studies published since the agency proposed rules in 1997 
intended to cut levels of soot and other smog ingredients produced 
mainly by power plants and vehicles. The proposed rules are still 
under review, and the final analysis could be a crucial factor in the 
Bush administration's decision about how tough the final rules should 

 From the start, businesses had strenuously fought the rules, saying 
the science was suspect and the costs would be enormous. But in the 
review of more recent research, one of the highlighted studies was in 
fact partly financed by industry.

Agency officials said that more changes in the report were inevitable 
and another draft was likely before the document was considered 
complete. But they said the review clearly eliminated almost any 
doubt that this kind of pollution posed a serious health threat.

"There is a veritable deluge of new research," said Dr. Lester D. 
Grant, the director of the agency's national center for environmental 
assessment, in Research Triangle Park, N.C., which is conducting the 

"The bottom line is the studies very substantially confirm the 
original findings. That goes a long way toward laying to rest the 
sort of controversy that swirled around those studies."

So far, the Bush administration has not indicated whether it will 
change direction on the soot rule. In fact, President Bush's choice 
to head the environmental agency's air division, Jeffrey R. 
Holmstead, has not yet had his confirmation hearing.

But the administration did take a strong stand on a big source of 
this kind of pollution in February, when Christie Whitman, the E.P.A. 
administrator, strongly endorsed a rule drafted by the Clinton 
administration that would sharply curtail emissions of soot and other 
emissions from diesel engines.

The separate standard proposed for soot and air would limit 
concentrations of particles smaller than 2.5 microns to an average of 
15 micrograms per cubic meter measured for three years in a row. 
Until now, the agency has only had limits on particles of 10 microns 
and smaller, but no specific limit on the smallest ones.

Levels of these particles have been slowly declining on average 
across the country for years, as stricter controls have been 
instituted on coal- fired power plants and as other plants have 
switched to cleaner- burning fuels, particularly natural gas. But 
many cities still see dozens of days each year when levels of the 
small soot particles far exceed the proposed federal standard.

For example, the study shows that in 1999, the latest year with 
comprehensive data, New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and 
several other cities had annual average levels of the 2.5-micron 
particles that would - if seen for three years in a row - violate the 
proposed rule.

Since the early 1980's, scientists' concerns about soot have focused 
increasingly on the smallest particles, which penetrate farthest into 
the lungs.

In 1987, regulations took effect that limited the concentration in 
air of particles less than 10 microns in diameter (a human hair is 
about 100 microns across). But the rule proposed in 1997 would 
sharply reduce allowable levels for particles less than 2.5 microns 

These microscopic motes - composed of metals, carbon and other 
ingredients - are able to infiltrate the tiniest compartments in the 
lungs and pass readily into the bloodstream and have been most 
strongly tied to illness and early death, particularly in people who 
are already susceptible to respiratory problems.

One critical new research effort cited in the E.P.A. review was an 
analysis by an industry-financed research center, the Health Effects 
Institute, that supported the conclusions of two keystone studies 
from the early 1990's that drove the agency to write the new rule.

Those studies, by the Harvard School of Public Health and the 
American Cancer Society, found strong links between high levels of 
small particles and a rise in death rates. They were attacked by 
industry groups and some members of Congress as biased.

The Health Effects Institute, based in Boston, is financed by 
industry and the E.P.A. and was established in 1980 to serve as a 
referee on air pollution research. Its study, published last year, 
largely approved of the methods and data in the original studies and 
concurred that there was a link between soot and illness.

Many other new studies, Dr. Grant said, corroborate the link between 
the smallest particles, those under 2.5 microns, and the most serious 
health effects. Other studies cited in the new analysis strengthen 
the relationship between sooty conditions and a rise in hospital 
admissions of children with asthma attacks.

The 632-page research review, which was posted on the agency's Web 
site ( this month, has already been through one 
round of public comments and a critique by an agency panel that 
includes officials from industries that generate some of the 

A second round of public comment will end in July, followed by 
another critique by the panel, the agency's Clean Air Science 
Advisory Committee. The agency is also beginning to draft a paper 
recommending how to translate the findings into the final language of 
a rule to cut fine soot.

Eventually, Mrs. Whitman, assessing the science and her staff's 
recommendations, would propose either to accept the Clinton 
administration standard or to modify it. Some supporters of strict 
controls decried the pace of the rule making, which has been delayed 
by court challenges, including one from the American Trucking 
Association and other industry groups that was rejected by the 
Supreme Court in February.

"We're already having another scientific review completed before step 
one has actually been taken to cut the pollution," said David G. 
Hawkins, a lawyer for the Natural Resources Defense Council, a 
private group. "In the meantime, there are about a quarter million 
Americans who have died prematurely as result of fine particle 

Studies, including some cited in the new review and one by the 
natural resources group, have estimated that more than 50,000 people 
die prematurely each year from illnesses caused by exposure to fine 

More delays are expected, agency officials and environmental groups 
said, both because of other litigation and a law passed last year 
that could allow the Office of Management and Budget to review the 
quality of the data underlying the studies cited by the agency to 
justify its decision.

Despite the voluminous nature of the document, industry 
representatives said the E.P.A. analysis was basically a laundry list 
of existing work. With the regulation likely to cost industry 
billions of dollars a year, trade groups are demanding to see not 
only the studies, but also the raw data underlying the work.Agencies 
have generally not had to go to such lengths, which would require 
enormous amounts of paperwork.

"We're going to have to sit down and go over what the E.P.A. is 
basing its decision on and what other documents are out there," said 
William L. Kovacs, the vice president for environmental, technical, 
and regulatory affairs of the United States Chamber of Commerce, a 
lobbying group.

"If they really believe so strongly in the data, then why don't they 
release it? If it's that compelling, I'd be plastering it on the 

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