>To: "'Distillers newsgroup'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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>From: Tony & Elle Ackland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 17:35:48 +1200
>Subject: [Distillers] New Distillers FAQ
>New Distillers FAQ
>"NEW DISTILLERS" Frequently Asked Questions (Sept'00)
>Posted near the 1st of each month, to the NEW_DISTILLERS newsgroup at
>Please email any additions, corrections, clarifications required, etc
>regarding the FAQ to Tony Ackland ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), however please
>direct any general questions to the newsgroup itself.
>1) Is distilling hard to do ?
>2) Is it legal ?
>3) Will it make me blind ?
>4) Whats the difference between a pot still, reflux still, and
>fractionating column ?
>5) How do I get or make a still ?
>6) How do I make a whisky / rum / vodka / gin ?
>7) Should I use sugar or grains ?
>8) Can I use fruit wine ?
>9) How do I get rid of that "off-taste" ?
>10) How do I measure the strength of it & dilute it ?
>11) How do I flavour/turn the vodka's into something else ?
>12) What web resources are there ?
>13) How do I contact the NEW DISTILLERS news group ?
>14) Can I run my car on it ?
>15) How do I convert between gallons and litres and ....
>16) What is a "Thumper" ?
>1) Is distilling hard to do ?
>Nope - if you can follow instructions enough to bake scones, then you can
>sucessfully distil. To distil well however, will require you to understand
>what you're doing, so read around and get a bit of information under your
>belt before you begin.
>2) Is it legal ?
>Probably not. It is only legal in New Zealand, and some European countries
>turn a blind eye to it, but elsewhere it is illegal, with punishment
>ranging from fines to imprisonment or floggings. This action against it is
>usually the result of either religous beliefs (right or wrong), but more
>generally due to the great revenue base it provides Governements through
>excise taxes. So if you are going to distil, just be aware of the potential
>legal ramifications.
>3) Will it make me blind ?
>Not if you're careful. This pervasive question is due to moonshine lore,
>which abounds with myths of blindness, but few actual documented cases. The
>concern is due to the presence of methanol (wood alcohol), an optic nerve
>poison, which can be present in small amounts when fermenting grains or
>fruits high in pectin. This methanol comes off first from the still, so it
>is easily segregated and discarded. A simple rule of thumb for this is to
>throw away the first 50 mL you collect (per 20 L mash used). Probably the
>greatest risk to your health during distilling is the risk of fire -
>collecting a flammable liquid near a heat source. So keep a fire
>extinguisher nearby.
>4) Whats the difference between a pot still, reflux still, and
>fractionating column ?
>A pot still simply collects and condenses the alcohol vapours that come off
>the boiling mash. This will result in an alcohol at about 40-60% purity,
>with plenty of flavour in it. If this distillate were put through the pot
>still again, it would increase in purity to around 70-85% purity, and lose
>a bit of its flavour.
>A reflux still does these multiple distillations in one single go, by
>having some packing in a column between the condensor & the pot, and
>allowing some of the vapour to condense and trickle back down through the
>packing. This "reflux" of liquid helps clean the rising vapour and increase
>the % purity. The taller the packed column, and the more reflux liquid, the
>purer the product will be. The advantage of doing this is that it will
>result in a clean vodka, with little flavour to it - ideal for mixing with
>flavours etc.
>A fractionating column is a pure form of the reflux still. It will condense
>all the vapour at the top of the packing, and return about 9/10 back down
>the column. The column will be quite tall - say 600-1200mm (2-4 foot), and
>packed with a material high in surface area, but which takes up little
>space (pot scrubbers are good for this). It will result in an alcohol 95%+
>pure (the theoretical limit without using a vacuum is 95.6%), with no other
>tastes or impurities in it.
>5) How do I get or make a still ?
>If you're after a pot still, these are generally home made using what-ever
>you have at hand - say copper tubing and old water heaters or pressure
>cookers. Reflux stills can be made from plans on the net, or bought from
>several manufacturers. For reflux stil plans see Stillmakers :
>http://stillmaker.dreamhost.com/ (free!) or Gert Strands :
>http://partyman.se/Engelsk/default.htm (US$5). See the list of "web
>resources" below for links to sites selling ready-made stills.
>Regarding the choice of heating for the still - if you have 240V available
>it is usually easiest to control & safer (particularly with internal
>elements). Gas can be used, but more care is needed to keep the collection
>container further away and not letting it overfill.
>6) How do I make a whisky / vodka / rum / gin ?
>Whiskey : Heat 4 kg cracked or crushed malt with 18 L of water to 63-65C,
>and hold there for 1-1.5 hours. Heat to 73-75C, then strain off and keep
>liquid, using 250 mL of hot water to rinse the grains. Cool to below 30C
>(should have an initial specific gravity of 1.050). Add hydrated yeast &
>leave to ferment (maintain at 26C) until airlock stops bubbling and final
>SG of around 1.010. Let settle for a day, then syphon carefully into a pot
>still. Discard the first 50 mL's, collect the next 2-3L of distillate or
>until you start noticing the tails coming through.
>Vodka : dissolve 5 kg of sugar & 60g of nutrients in 20L of water, cool to
>below 30C and add hydrated yeast. Leave to ferment at 25C until below an SG
>of around 0.990, then settle for a day. Syphon into a reflux or
>fractionating still, and collect as per usual.
>Rum : as per vodka, but use some brown sugar or mollasses, to give an
>initial specific gravity (SG) of around 1.06 - 1.07. Run through either a
>pot still, or a not-so-great reflux still.
>Gin : make a very pure vodka, then add the following essence. Simmer 35g of
>juniper berries in 350 mL of 50% vodka for ten minutes with the lid on, let
>cool overnight, then filter through coffee filters. Use 5-10 mL of this
>essence per bottle of vodka.
>When doing any fermenting, take a lot of care to ensure that any items used
>are clean/sterile (soaking them in a water + bleach (10 mL per litre) ), or
>else the wash can start growing other things. Use a closed fermenter with
>an airlock too, to let the CO2 out without letting wild yeasts, bugs etc
>in. For more information about fermenting, see beer or wine homebrewing
>7) Should I use sugar or grains ?
>It depends on what sort of still you have, and what you are trying to make.
>If you have a reflux or fractionating still, only use whatever is cheapest
>(usually sugar), as the refluxing will strip out all the flavours anyhow.
>If you have a pot still, and are after a bourban or whiskey, then you need
>to go the grain route, or mollasses if after a rum. If you are trying to
>make a neutral spirit for flavouring, go for sugar.
>8) Can I use fruit wine ?
>Sure, if you have it available. Again, using a pot still will result in a
>brandy/grappa/schnapps, whereas a reflux still will just strip it down to
>neutral spirit.
>9) How do I get rid of that "off-taste" ?
>That "rough moonshine edge" or "off-taste / wet cardboard smell" is due to
>impurities such as the higher order alcohols, known as cogeners or fusel
>oils. These will be present more when using a pot still, less if using a
>reflux still, and just about absent if using a fractionating column. So one
>way is to use a taller packed column and increase the amount of reflux
>occuring. They can also indicate that you've tried to collect too much of
>the alcohol, and have run into the "tails"; so finish collecting a little
>bit earlier next time. Soaking tainted alcohol with activated carbon for a
>week (or even months) will help remove some of this flavour - this is known
>as "polishing" the spirit.
>10) How do I measure the strength of it & dilute it ?
>You need a hydrometer. This is a wee float, with a scale inside it. The
>more alcohol that is present, the lighter the density of the liquid, so the
>hydrometer sinks a bit lower. You then just read off the scale how much
>alcohol is present. You need a seperate hydrometer for measuring the
>density of the mash, as this is generally > 1.0, whereas the spirit is <
>1.0, and they can't accurately do both ends of the scale.
>11) How do I flavour/turn the vodka's into something else ?
>There are now many commercial flavourings available, which turn vodka or
>neutral alcohol into pretty decent gin or whiskey, or all manor of
>liqueurs. See the commercial sites, like Des Zines
>http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~topkiwi or Ray Toms http://moonshine.co.nz/
>for details.Or you can soak it with oak chips and make whiskey, or soak
>fruits in it to make your own liqueurs.
>12) What web resources are there ?
>For more details, see :
>Tony Ackland's http://www.geocities.com/kiwi_distiller
>Aaron Smiths's http://www.go.to/distillation
>Steve Spence's http://www.webconx.com/ethanol.htm
>13) How do I contact the NEW DISTILLERS news group ?
>Both the NEW DISTILLERS and the DISTILLERS news groups are available via
>YahooGroups, at http://www.yahoogroups.com . NEW DISTILLERS is, as the name
>suggests, intended for those of you new to distilling and after simple,
>straight-forward discussions, whereas the DISTILLERS group is a bit more
>advanced, throwing in bits of design philosophy, theory, and alternative
>ways of achieving the results. Both tend to overlap to some extent.
>14) Can I run my car on it ?
>You can run your car on alcohol over about 80% purity. See Steve Spences
>site for more details. In addition, in the USA, you can get a "small fuel
>producer" permit, which allows small scale distilling for "motor fuel"
>purposes. A nice advantage is that they don't require denaturing for "fuel"
>used on the premises. The regulations are posted at
>15) How do I convert between gallons and litres and ....
>To convert between SI & Imperial units, multiply the first unit by the
>conversion factor to get the second. Divide back to do it in reverse .eg 1L
>= 0.264 US gal, so 20 L = 20 x 0.264 = 5.28 US gal, and 20 US gal / 0.264 =
>75.76 L
>1 L = 0.264 US gal = 0.221 UK gal
>1 L = 1.057 US qt = 0.880 UK qt
>1 kg = 2.204 lbm = 32.15 oz (troy) = 35.27 oz (av)
>deg F = ((9/5) x deg C )+ 32
>1m = 1000 mm = 39.37 inch = 3.28 ft = 1.09 yd
>16) What is a "Thumper" ?
>A "thumper" is an extra chamber sometimes fitted to a pot still. It can be
>as simple as a glass jar with two holes in the lid. The off-take from the
>still is fed into it, with the pipe running almost all the way to the
>bottom of the jar; the jar is half filled with liquid (water or mash or
>tails) so that the vapour from the still will bubble up through it; then
>the vapour coming off it is collected & cooled as per normal. It acts as a
>second distilling chamber using just the heat from the vapour, and lifts
>the purity from 50-60% to 70-80%, hence improving what might otherwise be a
>very mediocre design.
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