        What exactly is a Sanden car AC scroll compressor?
This idea below sounds good and may be applicable to the refining and
purification of glycerine as one of the best ways of refining is with the
use of steam especially when combined with vacuum so you drop the boiling
point.  It may be able to substantially drop this generation cost as this is
a point that has been bugging me in the design of any small glycerine plant
design. B.P. of glycerine at ordinary atmospheric pressure (760 mm mercury)
is around 290 C so you would normally need to operate around 287 to 289 C to
prevent the formation of Acrolein. By using a vacuum you can drop the b.p.
substantially allowing a far greater tolerance without the risk of creating
Acrolein. eg @ 500  mm mercury B.P = 210 C, and at 12.5 mm mercury B.P =
179.5 C. At present the basic idea for a small plant is in my head and if
this aspect can be solved satisfactorily it may be possible to eventually
build the first one. Will check out some of the sources on solar energy
Keith has listed as this is a subject I have never really looked into.
B.r.,  David

----- Original Message -----
From: jerry dycus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Solar boiler

>     Hi Keith and All,
>        Before anyone gets hurt from this let's look at
> it. Steam is a very powerful explosive. Do not heat a
> large amount of water over 212F unless you really know
> what you are doing.
>       That said the safer way is to use a flash boiler
> with a scatter shield around it. The good thing about
> flash boilers is the tiny amount of water heated to
> explosive temps so if it blows not much damage
> happens.
>        How they work is you heat the boiler tube up
> and inject just enough water for each piston stroke.
>     The higher the steam temp the higher the eff. If
> you want 40% eff you need 1100F + steam plus heat
> recovery.
>       I like the tube within a tube with the inside
> tube for the steam and the outside tube with the
> fire/heat going up and the water/ steam going down.
> The outside tube will help contain any explosion and
> keep the heat confinded to the boiler tubes.
>     Insulate the outside of the fire tube, the engine
> and pre-heat the fire feed air and feedwater for more
> eff.
>      For engines some are using Sanden car AC scroll
> compressors, others have used A/C piston compressors
> and 2 stroke ICE motors with new head valving. The
> scroll compressor if it works would only need a
> continous water feed pump for it instead of valves.
>      For solar concertrators I like the old 7' to 10'
> satellite dishes that are now obsolete and are given
> away free for taking them down. Most of these have
> concentrations of 10+ of sunlight if mirrored. They
> come with power tracking that only needs easy
> electronics to point it for max eff. The boiler for it
> would be a spiral of tubing.
>     The sun puts out 1kw/ Sq yard/meter with the sun
> overhead.  The hottest temps you can get semi-safely
> are from solar concentration. Make sure no one can put
> a body part in the beam or it will be cooked instantly
> from 5,000F+ temps. Remember what just a 4"/ 4 power
> magifying glass would do to wood?
>       Let's be careful out there,
>                        jerry dycus
>  --- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Dana, Ed, Jim and all
> >
> > Almost time to switch off the dark. Anyway. Please
> > don't stop, it's
> > an interesting line you're on. Maybe have a look at
> > this:
> >
> >
> > Designing and Building Home Made Focusing Solar
> > Cookers
> >
> > Lots more solar resources here:
> >
> > Solar Cooker Resources on the Web
> >
> > Some interesting products here:
> >
> >
> > ClearDome SolarFlex reflective material and
> > SolarFlex reflects an amazing 97.4% of all solar
> > energy!
> > That means you'll now get the fastest, hottest solar
> > heating or
> > cooking possible with our SolarFlex reflective
> > material (see above
> > photo), using your own reflector design made with
> > this remarkable
> > lightweight, nearly untearable, waterproof flexible
> > material.
> >
> > ClearDome Solar BlackFlex Absorption foi - the ideal
> > flexible, thick
> > flat black anodized (both sides) aluminum foil for
> > absorbing solar
> > energy and directly converting it into heat. Use it
> > for solar oven
> > construction or for any experimental solar heating
> > project for very
> > fast heat absorption.It can be formed and folded
> > many times, survives
> > direct flames to over 1,000 degrees F, and is
> > non-toxic and
> > non-gassing. Standard size is
> > 2' X 4', shipped rolled in a durable cardboard tube.
> > Price is only
> > $17 plus S & H.
> >
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Keith Addison
> > Journey to Forever

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