May 9, 2001

Cheney Is Backing Plan to Expand Cleaner Sources of Energy


WASHINGTON, May 8 - The Bush administration will encourage the 
widespread use of agricultural, animal and human waste to produce 
energy as part of an effort to expand environmentally friendly energy 
supplies along with fossil fuels, administration officials said today.

The so-called biomass refining effort would be modeled on a 
government-industry partnership that produces ethanol from corn, a 
program that is popular in farm communities and is seen by some as a 
relatively clean source of energy that reduces reliance on imported 

The effort would seek to refine organic waste, like corn fiber, 
manure, even saw dust, into a new kind of ethanol. It would require 
hundreds of millions of dollars in government tax incentives and 
research spending but could rival corn-based ethanol as a source of 
energy within a decade, industry lobbyists said.

Vice President Dick Cheney has backed the plan as one of the most 
promising renewable sources of energy, and it is expected to feature 
prominently in the final report the administration's task force 
issues this month, officials confirmed.

Mr. Cheney, speaking on television today, also sought to show that 
his task force had put a balanced emphasis on increasing energy 
efficiency as well as expanding supplies of oil, coal and natural gas. - Transcripts

In a surprise, Mr. Cheney said the administration had not ruled out 
raising government-mandated fuel economy standards for cars and light 
trucks. But he said the administration would not make a final 
decision until a scientific study on the matter was completed this 

Some Democrats and environmentalists have urged the administration to 
raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards. They have not 
been increased since the 1980's, and the average fuel economy of cars 
and light trucks has declined in recent years with the rise of 
minivans and sport utility vehicles.

The automobile industry has tended to oppose any change in government 
mandates for fuel economy, arguing that tax incentives for highly 
fuel efficient vehicles work better.

"We think they have made a significant contribution over the years, 
improve the efficiency, if you will, the mileage of our automobiles," 
Mr. Cheney said of the standards in an interview with CNN. He said 
that when the National Academy of Sciences completed a study of the 
subject, the administration would decide "whether or not to go 
forward" with a change in standards.

Mr. Cheney also suggested that the administration would seek powers 
of eminent domain for electrical transmission lines, and President 
Bush, speaking to an electronics group tonight, indicated that was a 

"We need more electricity wires carrying product across the country," 
Mr. Bush said, warning that the nation "can't conserve our way to 
energy independence."

Mr. Cheney also said his energy report would recommend financial 
incentives for energy conservation, renewable energy and efficiency 
programs. Environmentalists and some scientists have criticized the 
administration as for playing down the potential of energy efficiency 
and renewable energy.

The vice president said, however, that renewable sources like solar, 
wind, biomass and geothermal were unlikely to account for more than 6 
percent of total energy supplies by 2020, meaning that it was still 
necessary to drill for more oil and gas and ease regulatory barriers 
for the coal and nuclear power industries.

The energy report, Mr. Cheney said, would instruct Christie Whitman, 
administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to review 
regulatory requirements on coal- fired power plant companies.

Many coal-using utilities have complained that the agency's 
regulations, which were designed to make sure that old coal-fired 
power plants adopt pollution controls, made it difficult for them to 
upgrade old plants.

In biomass production, enzymes break down organic waste into sugars 
that can be fermented into ethanol. But while the process of turning 
corn into ethanol is well established, development of a refinery 
system that can use waste products is considered less advanced.

Administration officials have indicated that they plan to increase 
Department of Energy spending on biomass greatly in the 2003 fiscal 
year. In the 2002 fiscal year, President Bush's first budget, the 
administration sharply cut spending for renewable energy.

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