The Unrefined Truth
May 9, 2001


The Unrefined Truth


Gasoline prices are rising again, and the administration is rushing 
to turn this into another argument for its drill-and-burn energy 
strategy. But a look at the causes of the current gasoline shortage 
actually suggests a quite different moral: namely, that conservation 
ought to be a major element in our energy strategy, and that lack of 
conservation is a large part of what we've been doing wrong.

First things first: This year's gasoline price spike has nothing to 
do with a shortage of crude oil. Even if we had already punched the 
Alaskan tundra and the ocean floor off Florida full of holes, we'd 
still be in the same fix. The binding constraint right now is the 
nation's limited capacity to refine crude oil into gasoline.

Why is refining capacity inadequate? No new refineries have been 
built in this country for 20 years, a point emphasized with obvious 
relish by Dick Cheney. His implicit subtext, of course, is that it's 
the fault of environmentalist types who stood in the oil industry's 
way. That must be the story, right?

Wrong. It's true that environmental rules have somewhat crimped the 
production of our existing refineries. The problem is not so much the 
strictness of the regulations as their lack of consistency: each 
region has its own rules - like the insistence of Midwestern states 
that gasoline include corn-derived ethanol - fragmenting the nation's 
production. But the reason the oil industry didn't build any new 
refineries for two decades was that they weren't needed. In fact, 
right up until last year oil refining was a persistently depressed 
business, plagued by overcapacity.

Here's what happened: In the wake of the energy crisis in the 1970's, 
ordinary people in the United States began conserving energy - not as 
a "sign of personal virtue," as Mr. Cheney sneeringly puts it, but 
because they wanted to save money. Cars, in particular, became much 
more fuel-efficient. Meanwhile the oil industry was subject to 
"refinery creep," the tendency of refining capacity to grow through 
incremental improvements even when no new refineries are built. The 
result was excess capacity and squeezed margins, right up to the late 

What finally brought us up against capacity constraints was a surge 
in demand that was partly due to the economic boom of the later 
Clinton years, but mainly due to the renewed enthusiasm of Americans 
for huge, gas-guzzling vehicles - an enthusiasm, er, fueled by cheap 
gas. In 1998 gasoline was cheaper compared with overall consumer 
prices than ever before in U.S. history - 60 percent cheaper than it 
was in 1981. The nation rushed out to buy ever-bigger S.U.V.'s - and 
then suddenly discovered that we had run out of refining capacity. 
Refiners weren't frustrated by rules that prevented them from 
building new facilities; they were simply caught by surprise.

You have to bear this history in mind when parsing Mr. Cheney's 
recent speeches. To listen to him, you would imagine that we live in 
a country in which powerful political forces oppose energy production 
and preach a return to the dark ages. "To speak exclusively of 
conservation," Mr. Cheney declared in one speech, "is to duck the 
tough issues . . . it is not a sufficient basis - all by itself - for 
a sound, comprehensive energy policy." In another speech he ridiculed 
unspecified types for "saying to the American people that you have to 
live in the dark, turn out all of the lights." The story according to 
Mr. Cheney, in other words, is that we have an energy shortage 
because extreme conservationists prevented us from developing the 
supply capacity that serious people knew we needed.

Need I point out that this, like so much of what one hears from this 
administration, is a cynical misrepresentation? I defy Mr. Cheney to 
come up with examples of influential people who "speak exclusively of 
conservation," let alone anyone who says to the American people that 
they have to live in the dark. In fact, hardly any important 
politicians have spoken about conservation at all - never mind 
exclusively - this past decade.

We will need to build more refineries - and more power plants, and 
pipelines, and so on. But it is ludicrous to suggest that our current 
energy woes are the result of too much emphasis on conservation. It 
would be closer to the truth to say that we are in trouble now 
because our politicians haven't dared even use the word.

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