In a message dated 5/12/01 11:37:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Dear Philip,
      Either I did not make myself clear or you have a low comprehension for 
English.  Either way you managed to subscribe yourself, so UNSUBSCRIBE 
YOURSELF!  Look at the bottom of this message to find the UnSub Address and 
      Richard Hoard >>

Dear Richard: 

I am pretty sure that, having done some traveling in other lands, that not 
everyone understands English...But I am pretty sure they understand rudeness!

And what does this have to do with making bio diesel or alternative energy?

It seems to me that there is a great opportunity being wasted here. There 
seems to be a great deal of time and energy being spent expended on being 
curt, peevish and pretty nasty. I am sorry to say that this seems to be the 
tone and tenor of this list of quite a number of people on this list. 

I am not including all of you, there seems to be a good group here that has a 
lot of good to say, but the message is being lost in this wallowing in 
rudeness. As long as the group and the moderator stand by and allow this kind 
of rudeness then it will continue and if that what you all want, so be it. I 
will excuse myself from the group, since I think it is very important to try 
to behave in a civil manner if you want to make a change in how the world 

To this I would add that E mail is a little too convenient and allows one to 
behave in the manner of your message with no real consequence, as one might 
encounter in the real world. It takes a much bigger person to NOT behave in 
this manner and to say well "let me be of help." Or to hit the delete button.

I assume that you are of the person you are presenting in above message you 
will most likely send me a foul mouthed flame job. But please bite your 
tongue and think it through and please give some consideration to whether you 
really think your actions push forward the cause of a cleaner environment or 
if it is just another distraction from it. What's your motivation? 

Also please note that I am going to unsubscribe myself and I am going to 
close down my E mail address so if you choose to behave as I suspect you will 
to be orally abusive. It will be a waste of time.

I hope you all can see the wisdom in treating people with a bit more respect 
and tolerance, if you don't, the few who behave like this will ruin it for 
all the others and might just end up preaching to yourself.


Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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