I take it all back - Jenna Higgins of the NBB's been out of town, and 
just replied to my query re the UC Davis study - which is to be found 
here (with thanks to Ed Beggs):

Be warned - it's 3.1Mb.

Jenna made some enquiries and got this response:

>The California Davis study is part of a larger study ... and there were some
>errors in the other parts of the study.  The whole thing is under review,
>and may never get reveiwed and released since mistakes were made.
>Therefore, there is no official report that people can have at
>this time.  Call Steve with any questions.


So I dunno what it's doing on Biodiesel Industries' site then. Still, 
if the errors are elsewhere, so what? I'll forward any further info.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


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