Nothing will happen. At the risk of being accused of being a kill joy, let's
try to keep it real. urban legends have no place in a forum where solutions
are being developed. The laundry disk, magnetics, water powered engine, joe
cell, meyer, tin foil hats, etc. group has been well debunked by legitimate
science. You can claim benefits all day long, and when it's put through
rigorous testing (and these things have been) if the results aren't what the
true believers want, they claim we didn't do it right.

Steve Spence
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We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Sanz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] magnetic savings / alky + dyno / hard water /
<snipping >

Yes, Ian. I'm testing (for one year ago) with very very stong neodymium
magnets from used DC electric motor. A pair of them are in line fuel,
and the other in intake.
... but, as I said before, nothing apparent occurs.


Si, Estoy probando (desde hace un a–o) con imanes muy muy potentes de
nodimio procedentes de un motor elŽctrico de CC. Un par de ellos en la
l’nea de fuel y el otro en la admisi—n.
...pero, como dije antes, nada ocurre aparentemente.


ian wrote:

> if you want strong magnets, you can get very very strong neodynium magnets
> out of broken pc hard drives, they are small and great fun to play with.
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Sanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] magnetic savings / alky + dyno / hard water /
> <snipping >
> Magnets?
> I use permanent magnets on fuel lines and air intake in my diesel,
> but... aparently nothing happens.
> It's only my opinion.
> David
> Imanes?
> Uso imanes permanentes en las l’neas de fuel y en la toma de admisi—n de
> mi diesel, pero... aparentemente no mejora nada.
> Es s—lo mi opini—n.
> David
> Dick Carlstein wrote:
>>> From: Warren Rekow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money
>>> I've heard stories about putting magnets on gas lines to improve fuel
>>> mileage for years.... Dick, perhaps magnets attached to the tubing might
>> increase the
>>> effectiveness of foggers?
>> *good post warren !! this magnet thing either works, or else  is just
>> urban legend. both ways, it shouldn't be hard to check out, like checking
>> out novak's baby was easy.
>> *will come up with a test routine, and post when i have my numbers in,
> just
>> like the fogger.
>> *some questions <snipped> into the article :
>>> ...Later, I discovered these devices contained simple magnets with
>>> the south-seeking poles directed inward....
>> *besides floating one of them, and then comparing, is there some other
>> method for determining a magnet's south that i am unaware of, or have
>> forgotten ?
>>> The magnets used are fairly strong rare-earth strontium ferroxide
>>> magnets which will pinch your fingers (Ouch!) if you are not careful,
>>> four of them are enough for a single fuel-line for one car.  Any similar
>>> strong magnet will work....
>> *such as speaker magnets ? how do i determine if a magnet is strong
>> for this application ?
>>> Like the orgone accumulator, it is too simple for most people to
>> believe...
>> *i know for a fact that something very similar to an 'orgone accumulator'
>> works just fine, and does generate fuel savings at a reasonable cost.
>> lends credibility to this gent's thesis.
>>> You can get the magnets at any Radio Shack...
>> *it would sure help to have a rs cat # or something more specific to go
> on.
>> any chance of obtaining this ? rs is such a comfy one-stop place for all
> of
>> these odds and ends, i find...
>>> ...Natural Energy Works has been selling
>>> these simple strong magnets for years, available in sets of 10 for $10
>> plus
>>> $7 USA-Canada shipping, along with a little book on the subject for
>> $12.95.
>>> The same effect works also on your propane or natural gas stove or
>> furnace,
>>> when magnets are added to the feed lines just before the burners or
>>> combustion chambers.
>> *what shape and size are the magnets n.e.w. sells ? 12.95 for a booklet
>> why and how it works sounds a bit steep to me. thoughts on this ?
>> *notice closeness to entry point is invariably stressed. is 'the closer
> the
>> better', or will 'close enough' do ?
>> *nice project for anybody willing to keep statistically significant tabs
> on
>> fuel use. i for one will fit it into one of my ongoing projects, asap.
>> *who knows, 7-11 % from the fogger, + 5-15 % from the magnets, plus a bit
> of
>> meth in the gasoline, and maybe an h generator, and we might be looking
>> some significant savings here. i've got the fogger down pat, and am
> halfway
>> there with the h generator, so all i need to do now is mix some meth into
>> the gas, grab some magnets and run...
>> *life is only bearable when dreams egg you on, methinks...
>> My death and I play daily games,
>> whence she reminds me of herself,
>> whilst I keep focused on my elusive quest,
>> paying but scant attention to her ways,
>> too busy with dreams I need to claim,
>> before time comes for our embrace.
>> *thanks for helping me enlarge the scope of my dreaming, warren.
>> *and pls excuse myn OT jingle...
>>> From: "Paul Gobert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: Re: water + alky / dino-svo + alky / auto tranny + svo / biod +
>> svo
>>> Apace Technology in Australia developed an emulsifier that enabled the
>>> mixing of ethanol with dinodiesel. They were active some 20 years ago
>>> don't know where it went from there.
>> *thanks for the info paul. i have it that benzene will allow a certain
>> ammount of water contaminated ethanol to mix with gasoline, but have yet
> to
>> try this. what about meth/dyno ? the asuncion, paraguay municipality at
> one
>> point was going to make 10% anhidrous (absolute) ethanol content
>> in dyno used in buses and such, but the project flopped due to truck/bus
>> owner's resistance. maybe the old rubber controversy...??
>> (bobeda, any chance you could stop lurking and explain the eth/dyno
> program
>> in asuncion ?)(:-D)
>>> From: Jeremy Shuey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: Re: Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money
>>> I do know that the magnets work on the water.  We have
>>> extremely hard water here in my part of PA, with the
>>> limestone and all, and the magnets actually make the
>>> water a whole lot more soft....
>> *yes, i can corroborate that. we also have hard water in colonia,
>> where i farm trees and do research on alternative energies, and a
> neighbour
>> installed a unit. it works fine except it requires periodic cleaning of
> the
>> gunk the magnets somehow retain. my neighbour being a bit comfy gave up
>> after half a dozen cleanings. will check back with him and post a full
>> description in a fortnight or so.
>> -----------------------------------------
>> *last but not least, how can we incentivate <snipping> amongst honorable
>> list members ? it is a drag to read a two line answer, or comment, and
> find
>> all of the original thread(s) attached, requiring tedious, wasteful
>> scrolling. here we're discussing fuel alternatives, and savings, and
> energy
>> in general, and we're unable to be thrifty and edit our answers. time
> spent
>> scrolling is a waste of everybody's time, and i don't think we have the
>> right to subject people to this. so what say we do a bit of <snipping>
>> save everybody some time ? huh ?
>> cheers, dick.
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