I'd like to let you folks know that the some of the major biodiesel
companies push B20 biodiesel over B100. Based on that data for whatever
reasons, I can see why the Sierra Club uses B20 Data. Yet, the Sierra Club
does not point out that 20% reduction of diesel use is better than
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 7:49 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] Sierra Club's Dismal Daniel Becker

  Several weeks ago I spoke with Daniel Becker at the Sierra Club's
  "corporate" office in Washington, DC. The topic of discourse was a
  posted article to "biofuels" where Mr. Becker relegated biodiesel to
  of no better than low sulfur diesel and an alternative fuel which the
  Club could not endorse, as it might prove only to become a substitute for
  "clean burning" natural gas.

  The technical data which Mr. Becker used to support such liberal claims
  against biodiesel were actually derived from B-20 emissions studies, not
  B-100 (true biodiesel). When this was pointed out, along with the fact
  the stated position of the Sierra Club grossly mis-represented the truth
  millions of the club's members and the public at large, Mr. Becker stood
  with his response.

  The following topics were broached in conversation, all to no avail; the
  concept of carbon neutral (biodiesel is and natural gas is not),
  inefficient fuel economy of natural gas, unparalleled capital infusion to
  renovate fueling infrastructure to deliver natural gas (read "decades to
  implement"), massive renovation or manufacture of transportation vehicles
  utilize natural gas (read "enormous consumer dis-benefit"), sky rocketing
  cost of natural gas (read again "consumer dis-benefit"), year in and year
  out delays in implementation as lobbying groups fight such change and the
  inevitable loss of lives annually until such an infrastructure exists.

  Apparently Mr. Becker's opinion holds some sway with news reporting
  agencies, as his comments continue to emerge in articles on a regular
  Unfortunately, these news agencies tend to roll Mr. Becker, Sierra Club,
  their membership and all other environmentally inclined individuals into
  same "environmentalists" burrito.

  I submit to this list and or anyone that Mr. Becker does not speak for
  who truly understand energy, infrastructure and or health issues, and that
  his and Sierra's stated position discounting biodiesel in the effort to
  the way for the transportation sector's conversion to natural gas is at
  going to perpetuate the erosion of human health for the next quarter
  century, culminating in untold loss of human life - unintentionally or

  The last time I read Sierra's bylaws, these results were written nowhere
  within as being preferential.

  The most thoughtless statement Mr. Becker has made lately is in the
  article below, previously posted to this group. In this instance, Mr.
  not only looks down his nose at a vehicle which achieves an unprecedented
  ~78 miles a gallon, but fails to inform the public that the emission
  reductions of such a vehicle could easily match its impressive fuel
  if biodiesel were the fuel of choice, rather than petro-diesel

  One can only hope that the next time Mr. Becker misses the boat, which
  appears to be rather frequently, that he is forced to swim for it. Should
  his pockets fill with silt, sharks dine on him or he hypothermiate, it
  prove all the better for those who are truly attempting to preserve human
  and environmental health, today, tomorrow and in perpetuity.

  > http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/27/business/27DIES.html
  > May 27, 2001
  > It Gets 78 Miles a Gallon, but U.S. Snubs Diesel
  > FRANKFURT, May 26 - To judge by the mileage it can get, the Audi A2
  > sounds like just the kind of exotic hybrid-fuel car that President
  > Bush would want to promote with his new energy plan.
  > The sporty new four-door compact has a top speed of 100 miles an
  > hour. It can travel 78 miles on a single gallon of fuel and emits
  > fewer "greenhouse" gases than almost any other vehicle on the market.
  > Yet the A2 has at its core a technology that generates scorn in the
  > United States: the diesel engine.


  > Engines emit carbon dioxide and other gases implicated in global
  > warming in direct proportion to the amount of diesel or gasoline they
  > burn, so vehicles with more efficient diesel engines emit less of
  > these gases. And today's diesel engines produce far fewer tiny soot
  > particles than just seven years ago.
  > As a result, European environmentalists and government officials have
  > been much more comfortable with diesels than their American
  > counterparts. "A liter of diesel takes one farther and produces fewer
  > greenhouse gases," said Albrecht Schmidt, a top expert on energy
  > issues for Germany's Green Party. "The big problem with diesel is the
  > small particulates, but we think that problem can be solved with new
  > particulate filters."
  > American environmentalists remain highly critical. "Diesel is the
  > quick and dirty way to increase fuel economy," said Daniel Becker,
  > the director of energy and global warming policy at the Sierra Club.
  > "As long as we have other technologies that are clean, I don't see
  > the point in producing carcinogenic soot."

  Todd Swearingen
  Appal Energy

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