> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: missinformation - ethanol use in brazil - #477
> Hi Dick
> What is this in response to? I can't find the original.
> Thanks
> Keith Addison

*article by kathleen dana (u. of colorado) on new enzimes being developed
for ethanol production. (digest # 477). believe it was a 'posting within a
posting'. made some ridiculous statement regarding brazil's 'experimenting'
with ethanol as a fuel. if running six million vehicles on pure ethanol is
'experimenting',  i demand my school money back !!

*it's missinformation like this that helps dinos like bush convince people
that punching holes in the artic is the only option.

*the one label oil companies love to put on alternative fuels is
'experimental'. this equates to 'maybe some day, but not today...', and also
to 'you could destroy your vehicle with this untested stuff...'

*sent her the original, and a copy to the list, so listmembers could compare
truth with fiction.

*and wouldn't it be nice if other listmembers sent ms. kathleen a reminder
to beter research her statements from now on ???

*we'll never learn, will we ? cheers, dick.

*ps : am not <snipping> the tail of this so readers can refer back to my
initial posting.

> >kathleen, don't take this personal like, but your info on the use of
> >ethanol in brazil is pathetic.

> >brazil has six million + vehicles on the road running on pure
> >ethanol, including seven hundred thousand trucks and farm tractors,
> >and twelve thousand buses.

> >brazil is the world's only country with an ongoing, successful,
> >efficient, cost effective ethanol program. they started in 1987, and
> >never looked back.

> >all, repeat ALL, brazilian gasoline presently has 22 % anhydrous
> >ethanol added to it. it used to be 24 % but they had to cut back
> >because of last year's drought, to 20 %, and are now climbing back
> >to historical levels.

> >i find this impressive, considering brazil is amongst the world's
> >ten largest economies.

> >the us efforts by comparison are a sad joke.

> >and all of this info is web available.

> >your article gives the impression that ethanol fuels are 'just
> >around the corner'. this is not so. ethanol fuels are a reality, in
> >brazil, today. not bothering to seriously research this is somewhat
> >provincial, wouldn't you say ? there is life, believe it or not,
> >south of the pecos.

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