I know of not one reason to heat the cooking oil to 150F to aid the reaction. 
At 140F, the methanol starts evaporating; 120F is fine.

I got my thermometer from a store that sells kitchen items or a temperature 
gauge for a car for larger applications. I got a small one with a dial on top. 
It will help you when you convert your car to run on straight cooking oil.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:55:13 -0400

>> as for a burner how would one of those<BR>
>> camping stoves that runs on liquid fuel work??  where<BR>
>> can i buy a thermometer that will read the 150 or so<BR>
>> degrees that is needed for the chemical reaction to<BR>
>> occur??<BR>
>I would suggest an electric skillet, filled one 1 inch with veg oil (water<BR>
>evaporates too readily), a metal 5 gallon paint bucket with lid. Wrap the<BR>
>bucke with R-19 insullation, using 2" clear box tape to secure it well. Lay<BR>
>a square of R-19 insulation on top of the lid and you have a pretty<BR>
>efficient heat source for shadetree use.<BR>
>Such a heat source would border, if not exceed the limits of sanity. You 
>asking for an instantaneous or nearly instantaneous disaster.<BR>
>YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT YOU. Or if you eventually do, you will regret<BR>
>it the rest of your life.<BR>
>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALCOHOL VAPOR IS EXTREMELY<BR>
>Only perform such a foolish trick if your intent is to thin the gene pool<BR>
>and there are no other persons within 100 yards.<BR>
>Appal Energy<BR>
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