Once published the resolution of the Defense Court, it«s time to try to find
sollutions for a cleaner hydrocarbure Market.

- For sure, it«s very important the the PETROL OPERATORS ( like the
sanctioned Cepsa ) cannot own FUEL-STATIONS by they own. Nearly the 50 % of
the CEPSA dealer Fuel-station are fuel-stations owned by the CEPSA itself.

This is not a good thing for new fuels, like biodiesels. If CEPSA deciedes
not to sell biodiesel, you cannot sell it to the CEPSA fuel-stations.

The best it that CEPSA must sell all they fuel-stations to another persons,
using the franchise system or similarly, but that CEPSA Petrol Operator (
and none petrol operator ) cannot own ( or rent ) any fuel-stations

So, there must be a SPLIT in the owning between Petrol Companies and

- It«s an error stablish the free prices. It«s more interesting for the user
CEPSA Petrol Operator only can determinate the MAXIMUM price of the fuel,
but not the minumum ( so, the fuel-station owner can rise the prices ).

.- It«s interesting register the General Conditions of the contracts between
the Petrol Operators and the Fuel-Stations, so the Defense Court can more
easily determinate and persecute illegal anticompetition contracts ( now,
there are similar requeriments for telecoms, gas and so on ).

- We need more Hydrocarbure Operators ( like the biodieseler ones ). For
this, it«s necessary that Little Companies can be Petrol ( more accurately
Hydrocarbure ) Operators without the need of own 500 million ptas ( 3
million euros !!!!!!!!!!!). The law-maker forgets the littles companies ( to
help the big petrol operator and ban the entry to this market of the little
biodiesel companies ).

- For Little Hydrocarbure Companies ( like the biodieselers ), one have to
pay a lot of taxes ( duties, and so on ). There is a minimum tax that you
have to pay, independently the production of hydrocarbure you produce ( this
is another - oligopoly - guarantee for the big petrol companies ).

- It«s very important promote the INDEPENDENT FUEL-STATIONS, to which  the
biodiesel hydrocarbure operators can sell their biodiesel fuel.

If you sell your biodiesel to a nowadays Petrol Operator ( CEPSA, REPSOL and
so on ) Fuel-station, they won«t buy it, because they are ordened by this
dominant petrol operator.

Your only hope are the independent fuel-stations.

In the near future, I supose the exclusivity contracts between Hydrocarbure
Operators and Fuel-Stations are going to be BANNED, for a free Market.

For sure, these problem are similar for the rest of the European Union ( and
in the U.S.A. I suposse :?

All the best.

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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