Very good point-one I hadn't even considered.  Bush' oil buddies wouldn't
like conservation-oops, I meant competition.......


On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:50:51 -0700 Ken Provost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
E.J. writes:

>.......Unfortunately, this gives the government a very powerful
>argument for "protecting us from ourselves". They say it needs
>doing because of the fools, therefore another reason for bigger,
>and more inclusive government.  If this keeps up at the rate
>it has been going, we will have NO personal freedoms left.

Anyone care to lay odds that driving on (maybe even MAKING)
homemade biodiesel will be made illegal by the U.S. gummint,
in the name of protecting the environment.  Actually of course, it
will be to protect their big oil buddies who might actually lose a
coupla bucks....   -K

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