Instead of an incinerator why aren't the products "milled"? Cellulose
separated, ferrous-non ferrous, grease and so on. Why send metals into
atmosphere when they can be industrial feedstocks? There is so much
technology now on separation by not only the old techniques of specific
gravity, magnetic separation and manual sorting but electrostatics and other
methods that separate plastics from paper etc.
Waste should have a high value per ton of select materials.
Maybe we are looking at too simple a solution. Burning and generating steam
is from beginning of industrial revolution. High button shoe technology.


-----Original Message-----
From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 9:06 PM
Subject: Debunking Pro-Incinerator Propaganda was Re: [biofuel] uk waste
incinerator propaganda

> This simple really.  It goes like this. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
> it only takes a few people makeing a big stink to kill this kind of
> whether these people are ignorant, stupid, or paid remains to be seen. If
> they would actually put it to a vote in an election with a true
> of facts then the outcome might be different.
> --Bryan

Don't bet your bippie.

In case I've missed something through the years, since when does the
immanent threat of carcinogens being created in the combustion furnace, and
the inevitable release of heavy metals and carcinogens into the atmosphere
become grounds for opponents to be deemed "ignorant, stupid, or paid?"

And since when do residents who prefer not to have a fifty or sixty trucks
filled, stinking and dripping with trash come through their idealic settings
from all corners of the neighboring boroughs automatically qualify as
"ignorant, stupid or paid?"

And since when should residents be forced to accept incoming trash from
surrounding areas when the operator inevitably discovers that not enough
trash is being generated in the area immediate to the incinerator?

And since when should residents be forced to compromise away their recycling
programs or hopes of programs in order to insure that there is enough
feedstock for an incinerator and meet the written guarantee of the contract
made with politicians? (See Leesburg, Florida's so called "Waste to Energy"
municipal waste incinerator.)

And since when should residents be forced to deal with the fly ash, laden
with heavy metals and carcinogens, enough so as to qualify as Hazardous
Waste in the US?

Seems as if some of these residents might be a good bit more intelligent
than some on this list give them credit for.

Appal Energy

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