An NREL document lists the following publications about microalgae as
fuel sources. I thought I had a DOE document on the subject, but I can't
find it now. 

Brown,L.M.(1993).ãBiodiesel from Microalgae: Complementarity in a Fuel
Development Strategy. äProceedings: First Biomass Conference of the
Americas, Vol.II. NREL/CP-200-5768. Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy
Laboratory; pp.902-909.

Zeiler,K.G.(January 1994).Biodiesel from Aquatic Species Project Report:
FY 1993.NREL/TP-422-5726.Golden,CO:National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Chelf,P.;Brown,L.M.;Wyman,C.E.(1993).ãAquatic Biomass Resources and
Carbon Dioxide Trapping.äBiomass and Bioenergy,Vol.4,No.3, pp.175-183

Marc de Piolenc

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