----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: [wastewatts] Real cool!

        I picked up these two items from the web. Normally I would ask
"And what are you going to do with the rest of the plant?" but in this
case they seem to have thought of that!


Hemp car to make record 10,000-mile trip

Friday, April 20, 2001

By United Press International

A hemp-fueled car scheduled to begin a record-breaking 10,000-mile
trip around North  America July 4 debuted Thursday in Washington at a
conference devoted primarily to  legalizing marijuana.

The car is a white, modified 1983 Mercedes diesel station wagon
festooned with  colorful hemp-related logos and the Virginia license
plate "HEMPCAR." It is the  creation of Grayson and Kellie Sigler, who
plan to use roughly 400 gallons of hemp  biodiesel during their trip.
The trip will take the Siglers through 40 cities over three  months,
to the West Coast and then back east through Canada. The drive should
set a  world distance record for a vehicle using hemp for fuel.

Hemp oil converts into a biodiesel fuel fairly simply once mixed with
caustic lye  dissolved in methanol, a technique which makes the oil
less viscous and more  combustible.

"Hemp oil can be burned directly, but this is much cleaner," explained
environmental  defense attorney Don Wirtshafter, proprietor of the
Ohio Hempery, the Athens, Ohio-based company providing the oil. "You
get fuel and glycerine from the  process, and the glycerine can be
used to make soap or candles. We like to use  potassium hydroxide as
the caustic agent, because it results in a beautiful fertilizer."

Biodiesels can be made from any vegetable oil or animal fat and burn
in any  unmodified diesel engine. The only modification made to the
hemp car was the  replacement of rubber hoses with synthetic rubber
tubes - biodiesels erode rubber.

"Hemp oil has the same energy as diesel," Wirtshafter said. "Whatever
your car does on  diesel, it'll do on hemp. It's even possible to
process hemp for a gasoline engine, but it's  more complex."

When asked why one should use hemp for fuel, Wirtshafter responded,
"What humanity  is doing on a massive scale right now is pulling
carbon out of the ground in the form of  fossil fuels and spewing it
out as carbon dioxide gas, adding to global warming.  Biofuels, hemp
included, give us the chance to grow our fuel, thereby living off the
energy from the sun rather than spending our 'savings bank' of
hydrocarbons. At the  same time, like all plants, hemp would absorb
carbon dioxide as a natural life process."

Hemp is legal in some 30 countries, including all of Europe, Canada
and China. As a  crop, its fiber yields textiles such as paper, cloth
and rope, while its oil is used for paint,  varnish, lubricants and
highly nutritious food. Cultivating hemp has been illegal in the
United States since 1937, because marijuana is made from hemp's
flowers, buds and  leaves. This ban was briefly suspended during World
War II, when the United States  could not import hemp fiber from the
Far East for use in rope.

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Continued on page 2

Hemp car to make record 10,000-mile trip

Continued from page 1

Hemp legalization advocates argue that the plant is ideal for biofuel
use. "It yields about  four times more seed oil than soybeans,"
Greyson Sigler said. "It grows widely in all  climates with little
fertilizer or pesticides needed than most crops. It's cheap,
drought-resistant and very easy to cultivate. Hemp is, in my opinion,
the world's most  prodigious renewable resource. It could help
California out with its power problems and  keep the U.S. from
drilling for oil in Alaska."

Sigler added that biodiesel releases 80 percent less emissions on
average than gas.

"There are no sulfur byproducts, although there are slightly increased
nitrogen oxide  emission, most of which can be tuned out," he said.
Sulfur and nitrogen oxides are  pollutants and common byproducts of

While the conference at which the hemp car debuted was more focused on
legalizing  marijuana for responsible adult recreational use, the
meeting's director, Allen St. Pierre,  stressed the hemp legalization
debate should expand to include the plant's industrial  applications.

"It's just so hard to get beyond the giggle, the public trivialization
of this," said St.  Pierre, the executive director of the National
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana  Laws. "We call it the 'rope
vs. dope debate.'"

"But I have great faith that the pragmatism of big oil companies will
move legalization  forward," he added. "You'll start to see a cultural
eraser - it's not the hippies in the park  that are asking for it to
be legal, but people who will note at least six or seven of the
founding fathers were prolific hemp growers, including Jefferson and

The hemp oil used for the record-setting trip comes from Canada.
Though hemp oil  currently costs some $50 per gallon, Wirtshafter
hopes legalization could drive the cost  down in the United States to
as low as pennies per gallon. "We're not going to be  economical until
we're able to produce hemp oil without our handcuffs on," he said.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws gave $1,000
to subsidize  the hemp car and may sponsor more funds in the coming
months. "We were very  impressed. We thought they were very
well-versed and serious-minded. They weren't  full of hyperbole, and
they weren't na•ve - they knew this was going to be difficult."

The Sigler's car is not the first hemp-fueled vehicle. In fact,
Gatewood Galbraith, who  ran for governor of Kentucky in 1991 on a
pro-hemp platform, drove around in a  retrofitted Mercedes Benz during
his election campaign.

The Siglers expect to get a warm reception during their trip. "Most
people are really  happy about it," Grayson Sigler said. "We got
truckers blowing their horns and people  flashing their lights on the
way here. We even ran into some police officers who think  it's fun."

St. Pierre noted that the only distinctive side effect bystanders may
experience from the  car is "a funky odor. Most people who are
familiar with the smell of burning seeds of  marijuana will sniff and
say, 'Hey, it's an odd smell.'"

Copyright 2001, United Press International All Rights Reserved

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Copyright © 2001 Environmental News Network  Inc.


Plant power - fuel for the future

16 Dec 89

Plants are a benign source of energy. But lack of investment has
hindered their development as a modern fuel. The threat to the global
environment from fossil fuels could change all that

AS ADVERTISERS vie to promote this or that fuel inthe media, the
attributes of one unassuming formof energy read like a copywriter's
dream.  This fuel doesn't add to the greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, and could  actually help to halt global warming. It
creates little or no pollution, but could  solve pollution problems
around the world. It provides the US with as much  energy as does
nuclear power, but without the hazards. It is also potentially
infinitely renewable. The fuel is called biomass.

We have burnt biomass for the past 150 000 years, and even today, more
people rely on it for their domestic needs than on any other fuel.
Furthermore, the energy stored by plants each year is equivalent to 10
times  the world's consumption of primary fuels. And yet biomass is
almost absent  from world energy records.

Biomass is the stuff that plants are made of. The term biomass energy,
or  bioenergy, embraces all fuels that are derived from plants,
notably wood and  residues from the agricultural and forestry
industries, and dung. Green plants  and some algae use the Sun's
energy to create simple sugars from carbon  dioxide and water. Plants
store the energy in molecules of glucose, starch,  oils or
lignocelluloses. When biomass fuels are burnt, this energy is
liberated,  and the carbon dioxide is released back into the
atmosphere. As biomass is  composed of carbohydrate polymers
consistingof mainly carbon, hydrogen,  oxygen and nitrogen, there
isvery little pollution if all the fuel is completely  burned.
Furthermore, if the biomass harvested for energy is replanted,there is
no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide: thecarbon dioxide
released on  burning the fuel is taken up bythe growing plant.

Around 2.5 billion people, about half the world's population, rely on
biomass  for virtually all their cooking, heating and lighting. Most
of these people live  in the rural areas of developing countries.
According to David Hall, professor  of biology at King's College in
London, biomass accounted for 14 per cent of  the world's energy
consumption in 1987, the equivalent of 1257 million  tonnes of oil
(Mtoe). He calculated that, as a group, developing countries  derive
35 per cent of their energy from biomass, or 1088 Mtoe; in
industrialised countries, biomass accounts for only 3 per cent of
energy  budgets, but this still amounts to about 169 Mtoe every year.

Biofuels are varied and versatile. They come as solids,gases and
liquids that  can match and replace any fossil fuel. Biomass can be
burnt in its crude, raw  state, or converted tomore convenient forms .
Sources for bioenergyrange  from biomass that is freely available at
the side of theroad to biofuels that are  cultivated in
state-of-the-scienceenergy plantations.

The great advantage of crude biomass, such as wood, cereal straws,
rice  husks, coconut shells, coffee-bean husks and animal dung, is
that it can be  scavenged. The main disadvantage is its bulk, which
makes it cumbersome to  store and expensive to transport. Fresh
biomass often also contains a high  percentage of moisture, which
reduces its heat value. Transforming the raw  biomass to more
convenient solids, liquids or gases can overcome these  difficulties.

The combustion of crude biomass is by far the most common way of using
the fuel. The way the biomass burns depends on its chemical and
physical  make-up. Chemistry determines both the heat content of the
biomass, and the  readiness with which the various components burn.
Physical properties  include the density, moisture content, shape and
size of the pieces of fuel.  Small, dry particles tend to burn quickly
and produce a hotter flame than  larger, moist lumps. In practice,
this means that the skilled operator of an  open fire controls the
heat by burning a particular size and species of wood,  and maybe
altering the size of the fire to the dimensions of the pot. At the
other end of the technological scale, a furnace is designed for a
particular  biomass fuel. To achieve the most effective combustion,
the biomass is made  as uniform as possible: wood is dried and
chipped, and residues are  compressed into briquettes. Initially,
combustion involves heating the fuel to  drive off water vapour. As
the temperature rises, the celluloses and lignin  begin to decompose
into a complex of gases, tars and solid charcoal, which  then oxidise
to give, ultimately, carbon dioxide and water.

In the US, more wood is used as fuel than to produce lumber, pulp or
paper.  Figures from the United Nations show that the US is the fifth
largest  producer of wood fuel, after India, Brazil, China and
Indonesia. Electricity  companies are installing wood-burning
generators in several states;  California already has more than 500
megawatts on line. By the end of the  century, biomass could meet 10
per cent of the US's energy demand. The  European Community consumes
about 5.5 Mtoe of fuelwood per year: more  than 7 million tonnes of
wood, about 2.5 Mtoe, are burnt in French hearths  alone.

Marginal land fertile for biofuel

Harvesting in neglected woodland could boost the use of fuelwood still
further. France and Italy have 5 million hectares of unmaintained
coppice that  they are gradually restoring. If the European Community
revises the  Common Agriculture Policy and reduces the subsidies that
encourage  farmers to cultivate land that is not very fertile, some
experts estimate that  this would release 10 million hectares of
'marginal' farmland. Farmers could  turn this surplus agricultural
land into energy plantations where they could  cultivate fast-growing,
high-yielding coppice species, mostly willow, poplar,  aspen and
alder. France has around 400 hectares of experimental plots across
the country where it is investigating these 'short-rotation forestry'
techniques.  In Northern Ireland, which has the largest area of
marginal agricultural land  in Britain, the Horticultural Centre at
Loughgall is investigating  short-rotation coppice on poor soils.
Biomass in the form of chipped willow  wood costs less than one-third
of the oil it replaces for heating greenhouse  crops of early
tomatoes. In Sweden, the government aims to plant a minimum  of 10 000
hectares of 'energy forests' every year for the next decade.

As supplies of fuelwood disappear in many areas of the developing
world,  the poor respond, as did their counterparts in England and the
US at the  beginning of the Industrial Revolution, by falling back on
agricultural  residues and animal dung. The World Bank estimates that
at least 800 million  people are now wholly dependent on residues and
dung for their domestic  energy. On the lowland plains of India, China
and Bangladesh, dung and  residues account for 90 per cent or more of
domestic fuel. The average heat  value of air-dried agricultural
residues and dung is 13 gigajoules per tonne,  which is only about 15
per cent less than that of wood. For cooking on open  fires, people
prefer to use the slower-burning woody residues such as corn  cobs,
coconut shells, jute sticks and the stems from the pigeon pea plant.
These give better control over the heat and are easy to collect.
Straws and  husks from rice and other grains are not ideal as they
burn too quickly, and  are difficult to collect and store.

Another option is the bacterial digestion of vegetable and animal
waste in  biogas digesters to produce both fuel and fertiliser. People
often prefer the  compost to the original dung because the digestion
process kills pathogens  and the seeds of weeds; it also has a sweet
odour. Unlike dung, the compost  does not deteriorate during storage.
Dung is the main waste fed to a biogas  plant, and the two countries
with the most experience of biogas also have  large numbers of stabled
animals; China with pigs, and India with cattle.

The first biogas digesters in China in the 1960s were unreliable.
Since 1980  the government has laid down strict standards for their
design and  construction, which has improved the performance of the
plants considerably.  Today there are around 4.5 million small
domestic digesters operating in the  country. India is keen to expand
its network of 25 large digesters, which are  serving communities
nationwide. At the Indian Institute of Science at  Bangalore, a team
of scientists, led by Amulya Reddy, director of the Centre  for the
Application of Science and Technology to Rural Areas, has helped to
build a community plant in the nearby village of Pura. The villagers
have two  biogas digesters, which supply compost to farmers and biogas
to power an  electricity generator. The electricity is used to pump
water to a reservoir,  which serves eight public taps. Excess
electricity powers domestic lights.

Pura is now thinking of building a wood gasifier to provide 'producer
gas' to  supplement its supply of biogas. This would mean growing
trees to feed the  unit. Worldwide, tree planting schemes have
generally been a dismal failure.  Fuelwood is regarded as a byproduct,
so trees are rarely planted specifically  for fuel. By providing Pura
with clean water and lighting, however, biogas  has raised the
villagers' standard of living. Reddy is confident that villagers  will
grow trees to power the gasifier to maintain their new lifestyle.

While biomass gases are an excellent source of energy, liquid energy
is more  convenient to use, store and distribute. As a result, several
developed  countries have programmes for making bioethanol from sugars
and starches.  The US fermented3 billion litres of fuel ethanolin
1987, mostly from surplus  maize. About 30 per cent of the country's
petrol has some alcohol mixed with  it, usually in a 9-per-cent blend.
The European Community is also looking to  bioethanol as a means of
reducing food surpluses, while the International  Energy Agency says
that ethanol made from surplus sugar alone would  satisfy 2 per cent
of the petrol market.

Zimbabwe has pioneered the fermentation of fuel alcohol in Africa. The
distillery at Triangle in southeast Zimbabwe has been operating for
nine  years. The only problem is the weather. Drought has curtailed
the growth of  sugar cane this year, limiting the quantity of alcohol
that Triangle can  produce. The alcohol is mixed in a 12- to
15-per-cent blend with petrol, a  ratio that could double when more
alcohol becomes available.

The success of the alcohol scheme in Zimbabwe has eased the way for
other  liquid biofuel programmes in Africa. Malawi has built a plant
at Dwanga that  regularly produces about 9 million litres a year.
Petrol is blended with 15 per  cent ethanol, but there are also plans
to run cars on pure alcohol.

An economic biofuel substitute is available for diesel, which powers a
large  part of the world's agricultural vehicles, road freight trucks,
rail locomotives  and electricity generators. Vegetable oils extracted
from the seeds of annual  plants such as sunflower, rape, hemp and
soya, or from perennials such as  coconut and oil palm, are the most
promising alternatives for diesel. With the  same energy value as
diesel, they are richer in energy than other liquid  biofuels.
Oil-bearing seeds from annuals are easy to harvest, transport and
store. The oil is easily extracted, and the residue, or oilcake, is
often valuable  as a protein-rich feed for animals.

Although diesel engines run well on vegetable oils for a short while,
the neat  oils are more viscous than diesel and leave the engines
clogged with carbon  residues, or 'coked up', after a few hours'
running. One promising line of  research to overcome this difficulty
involves heating the oils with alcohols in  the presence of a
catalyst. This converts the triglycerides, which make up  vegetable
oils, into less viscous methyl or ethyl esters. Diesel engines have
run on methyl esters without problems for well over a thousand hours.

Some plants produce hydrocarbons that are suitable for making liquid
fuels.  An oil-like latex from Euphorbia lathyris, a shrub that grows
in semi-arid  lands, can be converted to afuel similar to petrol. For
the moment, 'euphorbia  oil' is uneconomic to produce, but there are
around 2000 speciesof the plant  and work continues in several
countries to findhigher yielding varieties.  Asclepias speciosa, the
milkweed that grows in the US, also produces latex.  Pittosporum
resiniferum, a tree that grows in the Philippines, bears fuit that
people burn for fuel.

Alternatively, after hydrogenation, the oil from the fruit produces a
fuel  similar to petrol. Other trees, such as those of the Copaifera
and Croton  genera that grow in tropical climates, produce oils
similar to diesel. Some  researchers have discovered that they can put
the sap from Copaifera  multijuga straight into the tank of a diesel
vehicle. At the other end of the  plant kingdom, Botryococcus braunii,
the freshwater algae, consists of up to  85 per cent oil; it is the
oil that appears to keep the algae buoyant. Processing  this oil gives
mostly petrol, some aviation fuel and diesel, and a small amount  of
heavy oil.

Even with our limited knowledge of how useful plants can be as a
source of  fuel, it is clear that biomass is as diverse and as
versatile as fossil fuels. But  the cultivation of energy crops
instead of food harvests has prompted serious  criticism of biomass.
With many millions of people dying of starvation every  year, how can
it be right not to grow food on precious farmland? Biomass
protagonists argue that globally we regularly harvest more than enough
food  to feed the world. Hunger today is essentially a problem of
poverty. We need  both food and energy, but our neglect of biomass
could make the provision of  energy even more of a problem than
feeding the world. After all, a cold  cooking pot is useless.

Ironically, concern over the global environment could provide the
impetus  for determined research and development of biomass. We could
halt global  warming resulting from carbon dioxide by planting trees
over an area the size  of India. This may sound fantastic, but it is
about the area we need to plant  anyway to ensure fuelwood for a
growing population into the next century,  and to stop soil erosion
and to restore watersheds ruined by our relentless  destruction of
vegetation. Ultimately, we all depend on plants.

* * *

How to turn raw biomass into something special

THERE are four ways to convert raw biomass into a more convenient
fuel:  pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion and fermentation.

Pyrolysis involves the thermal decomposition of raw biomass in the
absence  of oxygen. The pyrolysis of wood, for example, produces solid
charcoal,  liquids that include methanol and tars, and gases.

The proportion of gases, liquids and solids depends on the
temperature, the  rate of heating and the length of time the biomass
undergoes pyrolysis.  Heating quickly to high temperatures produces
more gases, whereas slow,  steady heating over longer periods gives a
high proportion of solid charcoal,  which has about twice the energy
value of wood of the same weight and  burns more uniformly.

Gasification involves the complete thermal decomposition of the
biomass in  the presence of regulated quantities of air or oxygen. Air
gasification of  wood gives 'producer gas', a mixture of 50 per cent
or more of nitrogen, 20 to  25 per cent carbon monoxide, and smaller
amounts of hydrogen, carbon  dioxide and methane.

Producer gas can be burnt to produce heat or to power modified petrol
and  diesel engines. Gasification with oxygen gives 'synthesis gas', a
mixture of  mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Synthesis gas is used
in the  chemicals industry to make ammonia, methanol and synthetic

Anaerobic digestion uses a cocktail of symbiotic bacteria to break
down  organic matter in stages to produce mainly carbon dioxide and
methane. The  bacteria involved are commonly found in the guts of
ruminants, so the  addition of cow dung to the digester is sufficient
to start the reaction.

The function of the digester is to provide an environment similar to
that  found in the stomach of a cow: warm, dark and oxygen-free. The
final  composition of the biogasis between 50 and 80 per cent methane,
between 15  and 45 per cent carbon dioxide and around 5 per cent

Fermentation of sugars to produce ethanol involves, unlike digestion,
just one  specifically cultured yeast or bacterium and three types of
raw material. The  first type contains carbohydrates in the form of
simple sugars with 6 or 12  carbon atoms, such as glucose, fructose
and maltose. The fermenting  microorganisms act directly on these
simple sugars to produce ethylalcohol.  Simple sugars are found in
feedstocks such as sugar cane and sugar  beet,molasses and fruit.

The second type of feedstock contains more complex, starchy
carbohydrates.  They include cereals, such as wheat and maize, and
tubers such as potatoes,  Jerusalem artichokes and cassava. Before
fermentation can occur, enzymes or  acids must break down these
starchy carbohydrates to simpler sugars.

The third source of feedstock contains cellulose, such as wood, straw,
various  crop stalks and waste paper. Again, enzymes or acids must
first break down  the celluloseto simple sugars before fermentation.

Lignocellulose is cheap and widely available. If we could break it
down  economically, biomass could replace all the oil we use to
produce energy and  chemicals. One promising line of research involves
the fungus Phanerochaete  chrysoporium, which naturally breaks down
dead wood on the forest floor.  At present, however, the cultivation
of edible mushrooms on wood and straw  residues is the only
commercially successful use of raw lignocelluloses.

* * *

An organisation with ambitions to make the most of biomass

BIOMASS is the single, vital element that links hunger, poverty, fuel
shortages, mounting debt and environmental destruction in the
developing  world, and nothing short of a new resolve to promote its
cultivation and use  can now help poorer countries. This is the view
of the Biomass Users  Network (BUN), an organisation of developing
countries that believes its  ideas are at last receiving serious
attention, three years after the body was  created.

Members of BUN are sure that they can tackle the complex problems of
development where so many others have failed. In a world teeming with
development gurus, what makes BUN so confident? The network is
convinced that the quality of life remains low in most of the
developing  world largely because those countries have failed to take
advantage of their  greatest asset: the wealth available from plants.

BUN focuses its work in four key areas. First, the protection or
restoration of  degraded land through revegetation, and the
development of land that is  difficult to farm to produce food, fuel,
animal feed or natural chemicals.

Secondly, BUN is continuing the campaign it has run since its
inception to  encourage the sugar industry to switch its emphasis from
sugar production  alone to the development of products that can be
sold for more money. The  idea is to do for sugar cane what the
industrialised countries successfully  achieved for soya beans,
peanuts and corn. Although farmers began to grow  those crops for
profit only within the past 50 to 100 years (more recently than  sugar
cane), industries now make 10 or 15 readily marketed products from

BUN's third aim is to produce biofuels in programmes tailored to the
environment, and national and local needs. The energy needs of the
poor,  usually fuelwood, will not disappear. Biomass, however, also
offers an  opportunity for the local production of high-quality,
gaseous and liquid fuels.

Finally, BUN is seeking non-polluting uses for agricultural and
forestry  residues, which are often regarded as wastes.

Better use of sugar cane is a primary target. About 150 years ago,
sugar was  such a lucrative commodity that it earned itself the title
'King Sugar'. Sugar  remains the largest industry in the tropics, with
a highly developed  infrastructure. It provides a livelihood for 50
million skilled workers.

Al Binger, BUN's Jamaican-born president, argues that by concentrating
only  on making sugar, much of the potential of sugar cane is wasted.
The fibrous  residue of sugar cane, bagasse, is mostly treated as
waste even though it has  approximately the same energy value as wood.
One estimate suggests that,  worldwide, the sugar industry could burn
bagasse to produce around 50 000  megawatts of electricity.

BUN is currently involved in a Jamaican scheme in which four sugar
mills  will produce a total of 70 megawatts of electricity from
bagasse for the  national grid. The first plant should start to
generate electricity early in 1992.  BUN is also involved in similar
schemes in Costa Rica, and a study  undertaken by BUN says that
electricity generated from bagasse could also  play a part in helping
to diversify the sugarindustry in the Philippines.

In Zimbabwe, BUN is helping the sugar industry to produce fertiliser
by  usingenzymes to break down boiler ash andother factory wastes. It
has also  broughtto Zambia a technology for making paperfrom bagasse
that was  originally developed in Cuba and India. Ethanol fermented
from sugar can  also be convertedto ethylene, a feedstock for the
chemicalsindustry. As far as  BUN is concerned,King Sugar may be dead,
but citizen caneis alive and  raring to go.

Peter de Groot is a freelance writer and researcher based in London.


>From New Scientist magazine, vol 124 issue 1695, 16/12/1989, page

© Copyright New Scientist, RBI Limited 2001

Steve Spence
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