Young Master de Piolenc,

Thank you considerably for your concern over my blood pressure (see below).
In all actuality, however, eyebrows are generally raised and approving nods
given upon any instance of examination. Perhaps it's the oatmeal and

(However, if your bottomless pocket thesaurus of biomedical "facts" and
studies has at least one counter argument for either, then I must surely
abandon both regimens and qualify them as "junk science" hence forth.)

Following your train of thought, that "Junk science is junk science if it
ignores contrary - and readily
available - facts," it would be appreciated if you would submit your sources
of scientific study that substantiate your claim that low dose radiation is
a myth and refute the extensive studies of the best minds in the field.

All studies extant, to the knowledge of everyone in this office, have
acknowledged that virtually every track of ionized radiation that passes
through a cell nucleus (where mutation occurs) carries the potential to
damage the nucleus and often does in a manner that is irreparable or
repaired wrong (read "mutation").

The exacting of damage to any nucleus does not depend upon the strength of
radiation, whether it be from a low or high dose exposure, but simply that
an electron path or track passes through the nucleus.

The frequency or number of tracks passing through any nucleus over time
increases the odds of irreparable damage or mutation, and exposures should
be limited as best as possible.

In the same breath, any cell nucleus can win the "damage" or "mutation"
lottery on the very first strike of an electron track.

Therefore, it is an absolute that cell damaging and or mutagenic (read
"cancerous") events can take place at all levels of radiation exposure, no
matter if the source is natural or man induced and no matter the level.

There is no such creature as a "fractional" electron, therefore no
possibility of a "fractional" ionization track. Electrons, therefore their
travel paths, are whole units and reduction of radiation exposure does not
somehow make the consequence of each strike on  a cell nucleus somehow
fractionally catalytic, as many "low-dose" proponents claim.

What you refer to as "safe exposure" or supposed "safe limits of low dose
radiation," Master de Piolenc, is actually what others have determined to be
"acceptable exposure(s)."

Perhaps you would care to explain what gives you or any others the right to
subject human populations to higher levels of exposure than we must
necessarily face during our living process, all the while mis-labeling the
risk as "safe?"

Further, perhaps you would care to explain what gives you or any others the
right to subject human populations to the more devastating events posed by
higher levels of radiation released via inevitable mechanical failures and
human error?

Increased exposure levels or opportunity for receiving increased exposure is
not "acceptable."

As for your accusation that Doctors Gofman, Morgan, and apparently numerous
others who are in agreement with them, are nothing more than "...senile and
guilt-ridden Nobel laureates...," I strongly encourage you to state your
claim directly.

Doctor John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D, is Professor Emeritus of Molecular and
Cell Biology at the University of California (Berkeley). You can contact the
department for the number or I can provide it to you.

I hope that your insight and research in the field will prove beneficial to
his own.

Should you care to research some of the pertinent works of this "senile and
guilt-ridden" gentleman prior to contacting him, many can be accessed
through the Livermore National Laboratory, where he was at one time the
Associate Director.

Todd Swearingen
Appal Energy

Post Script:

Yes you are absolutely correct when you declare that "76 million Frenchmen
CAN be wrong."

> Whew! Watch that blood pressure, and try to stick to facts rather than
> invective.
> Junk science is junk science if it ignores contrary - and readily
> available - facts, no matter how many senile and guilt-ridden Nobel
> laureates endorse it. Nature doesn't recognize authority - only facts.
> 76 million Frenchmen CAN be wrong. Truth will out.
> Marc de Piolenc

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