Planet Ark Environmental News: UPDATE -
UK green power scheme set for early 2002

UK: August 6, 2001

LONDON - Britain plans to launch early next year a scheme to give 
green energy a billion-pound ($1.4 billion) boost and help curb the 
country's emissions of greenhouse gases, the government said last 

Under the Renewables Obligation, previously expected to start in 
October, electricity companies will have to produce 10.4 percent of 
their output from green energy sources by 2011, up sharply from 
around 2.8 percent now.

The government expects this requirement to unleash a flurry of 
investments in renewable energy projects such as wind farms, solar 
power plants and biomass sites, and to improve the economics of 
existing green energy projects.

The scheme would also cover hydro-electric power stations.

"This government will back the generators who invest in green power 
plants", said energy minister Brian Wilson in a statement.

"Harmful greenhouse gases must be driven down...these policies will 
encourage generation from truly renewable energy sources, minimising 
all harmful emissions," he said.

In the longer term, even more ambitious targets could be set.

The scheme, which is subject to parliamentary approval and clearance 
from the European Commission, would form a framework for the 
development of Britain's green energy up until at least 2027, the 
government said.


The move is crucial to the government's targets on cutting emissions 
of greenhouse gases, cited by many scientists as a major contributor 
to global warming.

The government's Climate Change Strategy, announced in late 2000, 
aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 23 percent on 1990 levels by 
2010. This is almost double the target of 12.5 percent to which the 
UK is committed under the Kyoto protocol.

The UK in 1999 produced emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent of 654 
million tonnes, according to the latest government data.

Environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth weclomed Friday's 
announcement but said the scheme did not go far enough.

The group has called for a doubling of the government's target on use 
of green energy to 20 percent.

Colin Palmer, director of Bristol-based windfarm developer Wind 
Prospect Ltd, said the initiative would ease financial pressures on 
his business exerted by new wholesale electricity trading 
arrangements (NETA), launched earlier this year.

"This should transform our business into something worthwhile, rather 
than an unprofitable business," he told Reuters. "Under NETA times 
are hard, we are relying on the Renewables Obligation."

Critics of NETA say it penalises green power producers because their 
output of electricity is less predictable than that of large 

"And on the development side, we will have a clear mechanism for 
funding," Palmer added.

Friday's move comes as energy regulator Ofgem prepares to publish the 
results of a survey of the impact of NETA on small, green generators 
during the first two months of NETA.

The survey was ordered by Peter Hain, Wilson's predecessor.

Earlier this week, the government said it was setting up a working 
group to push through industry recommendations on removing barriers 
to the development of green energy projects.

The role of renewable energy is under scrutiny in a root-and-branch 
review of Britain's future energy policy, launched by the government 
in June.

The review comes amid concerns over how Britain can juggle the need 
to cut emissions while maintaining secure energy supplies as North 
Sea reserves of oil and gas start to dwindle.

Story by Stuart Penson


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