My driving hasnt changed apart from , holding a motor at 2500rpm is holding a 
motor at 2500rpm I use cruise control , the log book shows the diference.
 I bet you have never tried one .(Hiclone)
 even if you con someoneelse to buy it like I did, see for yourself , before 
you trash it. 
 I like the way you compare it to the American Dairy Association, I never 
trusted Americans that much either. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 21:35:13 -0800
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Hiclone (was Tdi vs. DI on SVO (was Using cookingoil 
> (neat) for fuel
>Bloke wrote:
>>  I am no scientist , Im willing to go along with the theory given on the 
>site , more even spread of fuel air mix in cylender , more even burn over en
>tire piston face , better combustion type stuff.
>>  I cant explain the reduction in noise of motor either.
>>  There is a noticable diference , between put them in and take them out.
>>  Maybe ask the blokes what sell them?
>    That's like asking the American Dairy Association for objective informa
>tion on diet and nutrition!
>    The people who design engines spend a great deal of time working on air
> flow.  Two characteristics that ultimately influence fuel atomization are "
>swirl" and "tumble", and I dare say that with high
>pressure fuel injectors, it's very tough to beat the hard work automotive e
>ngineers have already designed into their cylinder heads.  Even a small bloc
>k Chevy, an engine designed in the 1950's, has
>excellent fuel atomization characteristics.  (This is one of the reasons wh
>y that engine has been so successful.)
>    Those of us who are brave enough to spend time with a grinder on automo
>tive heads work in the valve pocket to "unshroud" casting material that rest
>ricts overall flow into the cylinder.  When this
>is done properly, the valve itself becomes the biggest impediment to air fl
>ow.  However, even extensive pocket porting does little to change fuel atomi
>zation.  (In fact, it may make it worse!)
>    The type of device being discussed here supposedly induces additional "
>fuel / air mixing" by increasing turbulence.  Your engine is nothing more th
>an an air pump, and the smoother the path for air
>into your cylinders, the more those cylinders will fill with air.  This is 
>the path to more power and fuel efficiency, but it is incremental at best, a
>nd I'm speaking from years of experience building
>engines.  Increasing air turbulence seems counter intuitive, especially sin
>ce multi port fuel injection systems spray fuel directly behind the intake v
>alve, and diesels don't inject fuel until the
>intake valve is closed!
>    Very little fuel is wasted in modern, fuel injected engines.  The "more
> complete burn" theory is a myth!
>    I don't believe miraculous claims without strong evidence.  It's easier
> to accept that on some deep psychological level, people who buy these produ
>cts need to justify their investment, so they make
>subtle changes in their driving habits that affect their perception of powe
>r and economy.  I'd like to see an independent lab evaluate fuel economy, an
>d some dynomometer readings from a reputable
>engine builder with before and after results on such a device before I'll a
>ccept the "more power" claim.
>    If you really want better fuel economy, buy a vehicle with a smaller en
>gine and drive it carefully.  Better yet, get out of the car altogether and 
>walk if you can!
>robert luis rabello
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