Hi Joel

I can never find your emails because they come through dated 1946! 
Though I can't find that date in the blah-blah stuff, seems to be 
dated normally there. How d'you do that??

Anyway, people come and go all the time, no doubt for the reasons you 
describe, and no doubt for other reasons too. Some come, leave, join 
again, leave again, and the vast majority of them have no trouble at 
all doing that. Still, a few send their UNSUBSCRIBE message to the 
list address instead of to the unsubscribe address. It seems there's 
no way of preventing it. It happens on every list I subscribe to (30 
of them). We just have to live with it.

Joel Bellenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Robert, Keith:
>As someone who is very new to the list, I might be able to provide
>some constructive insight based on the various newsgroups I
>participate in:
>1) subscribers often underestimate the amount of mail they will

Yes. Yet the first page of the list website at Yahoo shows the 
message volume quite clearly.

>2) they are often looking mainly for news and products and not

Everywhere it is advertised, everywhere you can find by searching 
that I know of, and in the initial description at Yahoo, it's 
described as a discussion list.

>3) discussions are not necessarily focused on subareas any given
>subscriber is interested or conversant in

No, that's for web boards. But there's a large archives to be 
searched, all messages have subject lines, and there are distinct 
disadvantages to threaded systems, IMO.

>4) many postings seem inconsequential to the newbies (and
>honestly, many are of a more personal communicative nature)

Well, people do sometimes say this, and every time it comes up I try 
a count, which does not bear it out. In any case, nobody's forcing 
anyone to read anything. I'm not going to be strict about this.

>5) in reality, they might prefer a forum that they would have to actively
>visit, but somehow passively receive mail/news about only those
>topics of interest to them, which then would remind them to visit the
>forum listings.

That too would be a web board - but few have adequate mail 
facilities, and to set it up the way they'd want it might be beyond 
people who can't manage to use an unsub command that millions of kids 
use every day without problems.

>6) sites like this tend to be oriented towards the passionately
>committed not the casually/initially interested.

Hm. I don't agree with that, it's pretty wide-ranging, as is the 
membership and its collection of interests and motivations. A lot of 
neophytes get their learning curve underway here, and I think that's 
most important.


All best

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects

List owner

>robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Keith Addison wrote:
> > Yep, again and again and again!! Sorry, guys, ain't nothing to be
> > done about it, it happens on all the lists, no matter what you do.
>    I can't figure out why anyone would WANT to leave this list . . .
>robert luis rabello

Hey, Robert, I bet you say that to all the girls!!! :-)


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