What is the point of being wealthy if you can't choose the music?

The energy tycoons have stated the future is fuel cells.
Any competing technology will be outlawed if it can't be done another way.
Most of the green extremists get grants from foundations representing the
ruling class and their corporations so they will generate "reports" and
"studies" that will be transmitted via the paper and electronic
communication media owned by the ruling class etc etc etc.

Energy is a fat hog and they mean to keep control of it. No growing fuel
in your back yard. The illusion of alternatives will be allowed--at a high
price. You can generate hydrogen with photovoltaics instead of buying it
from the 7 sisters. Any technology that is not economically competitive
will be allowed. Biodiesel cogeneration is the state of the art in terms
of initial capitalization and energy efficiency to the end user.
Why is it still neglected? A university modifies a burner to combust
chicken fat and it is front page news. I'll grant you it is a step in
the right direction but as an effort from an engineering department
it isn't impressive. Cogeneration would be a meaningful demonstration
from a university. If they aren't cutting edge then they indulge in fraud
billing themselves as an institution of "higher learning." Any time a
fuel is burned in a box instead of an engine we have wasted resources.
Certainly sometimes it is justifiable because of the application but
when we do it in large stationary heating plants such as that school
--and especially when students should be given first hand cogeneration
experience--it makes me wince.

My 2 cents.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 2:26 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] California school buses hit for smog - Old
diesels put state in...

Keith: Take a look at the following article by Chuck Lapin.  I have known
that natural gas and MTBE were bad since about 1980.  Do we get heard?  No!
Only the extreme environmentalists and their partners in the government.

Diesel Fuel News, April 16, 2001
By:  Jack Peckham
One of California's top industry toxicologists who has been involved in the
diesel "toxic emissions" issues for more than a decade says he's "appalled"
by a recent green-group study that selectively attacks diesel emissions for
supposed school bus "cancer threats."
Charles Lapin, former Arco Senior Toxicologist, now a private consultant to
various clean-diesel technology promoters including International Truck &
Engine, points out that the NRDC/CCA study (see Diesel Fuel News 2/19/2001,
p7) used only one of the four test buses for health-risk calculations,
instead of averaging the emissions.
The worst-case 1986 bus used for the calculation "showed signs of disrepair
and should not have been used to calculate risks," Lapin said.  What's more,
the risk estimates used methodologies not recognized by U.S. E.P.A.
"This is a political rehash of earlier NRDC dump-diesel statements," Lapin
told Diesel Fuel News. "As a toxicologist, the part I find troubling is not
just the health effects calculation per se.  The main thing that concerns me
is that when you present data, then you don't call something a 'significant
risk' unless it's statistically significant."
"Even using the study's PM exposure calculation for this
possibly defective school bus -- two hours/day, 180/days/year, for 10 years
--that adds up to less than 0.6% of a child's assumed 70-year, 600,000 hour
lifetime," Lapin points out.
"That's really just a background risk" for cancer, he said, rather than a
statistically significant risk.
"Even if there's a tiny but potential risk, then the 'greens' are very
selective in employing the 'precautionary principle' often used by
environmental advocates, regulatory agencies and many industries," he said.
Revoking Principals
"It's been revoked in their minds for CNG," (Compressed Natural Gas) Lapin
said. "University of California at Riverside published data two years ago
analyzing CNG vehicle exhaust and found it contains PAH's (Poly Aromatic
Hydrocarbons).  CNG PM has carcinogens.  That's a scary thing, because for a
given weight of a particle -- one microgram of diesel PM and one microgram
CNG PM -- CNG has a higher percentage of PAH on a weight basis than diesel
PM.  So if we're comparing the two vehicles on an emissions weight basis,
CNG vehicle will have more carcinogens attached to PM than the diesel
vehicle.  The data has been there for two years and its being ignored."
While some scientists suspect that lube oil PM could be a key source of PAH
in CNG exhaust, other PAH's are formed by condensation of lighter CNG
combustion products, "so maybe it's not [just] lubes," Lapin said.  By
contrast, a lot of the diesel soot PM is inert elemental carbon.
The typically smaller size of CNG PM also ought to bother the "greens,"
because "the finer the [emissions] mist, the greater the surface area [of
and the greater the chance for a carcinogen to travel into the cell," he
"People in the business of promoting and protecting public health should
investigate that first before tilting toward one technology," he said.  "I'm
just appalled by the CNG tilt, and I'm not the only one."

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