Dear Paul,

Thanks again for the feed back.

The SG results form my tests with pre-treated oil are as follows. 
Note, all are unwashed except for the normal brew sample:

Test 1, 20 mil (8%) methanol. SG 0.9111
Test 2, 25 mil (10%) methanol. SG 0.9051
Test 3, 32 mil (13%) methanol. SG 0.9036
Test 4, Same as test 2 using another mix of preteat oil. SG 0.9056
My normal brew using 17% meth and titration + 1.4 grams. SG 0.8946

Questions for anyone:

What SG number should we be aiming for?

Do you have any info on viscosity measuring? As in what are we aiming 
for and, have you any info on cup type measurers as in volume, hole 
size and time for different viscosities.

Regards Trevor

> Trevor, please excuse delay in replying>
> > I have gone on to process upper layer (eg top 2 layers mixed!)
> > Titration of oil was 0.6 mil. I normally get 1.8 to 2.5 mil form 
> > one supply.
> Titration of upper layer would suggest that there was not enough 
> caustic in glycerine to neutralise FFA in oil. Therefore not enough 
> for transesterification.
> > I normally use about 17% methanol.
> 17%  methanol wouldn't leave much methanol in the glycerine.
> Would hardly be worth the trouble of recovery.
> Rate of conversion of WVO would also be low, generally agreed that 
20 to 25%
> methanol required for high rate of conversion WVO to ester.
> At that use rate methanol recovery becomes worthwhile.
> Options 1/. Distillation
>                 2/. Mix fresh WVO with glycerine
>                 3/. Add glycerine to next batch, use lower % of 
>                 4/. Can anyone suggest another method?
> Whilst option 1 is well established options 2 and 3 are as far as I 
> experimental.
> 2 would require higher than normal levels of NaOH so that enough 
was carried
> over in the glycerine to both neutralise the FFA in the WVO and 
catalyse the
> reaction. This in turn produces its own problems.
> The mixture of WAF and glycerine did not turn out as planed.
> Had hoped that upon cooling thjree layers would form. BD,solid 
unreacted WAF
> and glycerine. Result was two levels, semi-liquid fat above 
> >So tried 3 test batches of 250
> > mils. Used 0.5 to 0.6 grams of caustic in all batches. Mixed in
> > blender for 10 minutes at 30 to 40 deg C.
> > Test 1, 20 mil (8%) methanol
> > Test 2, 25 mil (10%) methanol
> > Test 3, 32 mil (13%) methanol
> Have not had much success with such low levels of methanol,they are 
> below the ammount required by the reaction and an excess is usually 
> to push the reaction towards completion.
> With the variable and poor quality feedstocks that I use 
experienced a lot
> of failures before moving up from 15% methanol.
> > In all the stuff I have read re-titration of oil it says to add 3
> > to 3.5 grams to the resulting mils and use this as your grams per
> > litre. With test batches I find I only need to add 1.4 grams to
> > titration result to give good result. Have double checked my 
> > solution and method and think everything is correct. I this a 
> > result??
> With good quality oil the result may appear satisfactory but I 
would suspect
> that the reaction has not gone to completion without the 3.5g to 
act as
> catalyst.
> A fair guide would be the ammount of glycerine. Its volume should
> approximate the ammount of methanol used (given that enough 
methanol was
> used to ensure complete reaction).
> With well used WVO/WAF I find that more than the titrated ammount 
of NaOH is
> required for satisfactory reaction/stability of product.
> Look forward to reading further results,
> Paul Gobert.

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